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  • 24 Dec 2024 1:37 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings and wishing you a happy holiday season PSBA members!

    Greetings from the PSBA President!

    Dear Friends,

    December 2024 already!

    I am thinking of all the people who quietly donated their time, intelligence and support to our organization this year. THANK-YOU. We need you. You are the best!

    May the coming year offer meaning and joy in your work on art projects, in learning new skills, and being part of the unique community that is PSBA.

    May you all have a rich and wonderful holiday season.

    Sally Alger, PSBA board president

    Back by Popular Demand!

    Lotus Fold Mini-Books Workshop- repeat session December 8

    Image courtesy of Belinda Hill.

    Sunday, December 8, 1PM–3PM via Zoom

    Event is Free for PSBA members but Registration is Required!

    To Register go to

    https://pugetsoundbookartists.wildapricot.org/calendar, find the workshop and click "register."

    In this two-hour Zoom workshop, Belinda Hill will teach you how to make lotus fold mini-books. These books can be made into ornaments, necklaces or earrings. Easy to construct and personalize, they make fun gifts or accessories.

    Skill Levels: all levels

    Zoom Link will be sent out on December 2 and December 7.

    Questions? Contact Lucia Harrison: luciaharrison49@gmail.com.

    Save the Date! PSBA Annual Meeting

    Image courtesy of Rebecca Chamlee.

    February 9, 2025, 1pm-3pm

    Featured speaker: Rebecca Chamlee

    Presentation:  1:00 to 2:00

    PSBA Board Update on Programs, Exhibits, Events and Budget:  2:00 -3:00

    Registration link forthcoming.

    We are delighted to invite you to our 2025 Annual Meeting that will feature noted artist Rebecca Chamlee as our speaker. 

    In 2019, Rebecca visited Tacoma and inspired many members during her two-day workshop on using botanical contact printing in artists’ books. Her work of directly printing from forms found in our natural world is a way to preserve the ephemeral beauty of nature and directly relates to many themes explored by PSBA artists.  

    She can be described as a book artist, printer, writer, and bookbinder who has published innovatively designed, letterpress printed, limited-edition fine press, and artist’s books under the imprint of Pie In The Sky Press since 1986. Rebecca’s artists' books examine the intersection of her artistic and scientific interests by collecting and cataloging the natural world. Website: https://www.pieintheskypress.com/About-the-Press
    Rebecca retired in 2023 as an associate professor at Otis College of Art and Design where she taught bookbinding, letterpress printing, and artists' book classes and headed the Book Arts minor program for over 20 years. She now holds workshops at her studio and book arts centers throughout the country.  

    She is currently completing work on a new book: Listen, notes from the field. This book is a personal investigation into the sounds of birds; what the vocalizations mean and how they differ from bird to bird. As to her process, she states: “Utilizing a ‘sit spot’ routine allowed the natural world to unfold before my eyes and ears in a way I’d never experienced in the years of exploring trails on foot in a nearby wildland park. In a comfortable spot in nature I sit, slow down and observe to discover the wonder in the moment.”

    Her thoughtful reflections and approach to writing, listening, and creating will inspire us all.

    Save the Date for February 4! Will you be our Valentine?

    PSBA is pleased to partner once again with the Print & Book Arts Studio, BARN (Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network) on this special event. Join us in the Print & Book Arts Studio on Tuesday, February 4, from 10am to 2pm for this special event. We'll be making Valentine's Day cards to distribute to community organizations or to special people in our lives. All the materials will be provided for this free gathering, and you can just show up!

    If you have a special Valentine you'd like to share for inspiration, please bring it. 

    This is co-hosted by Puget Sound Book Artists member Jane Carlin and BARN member Amy Goldthwaite. It's a great opportunity to come together and enjoy the time making unique treasures to share with others. Sweet treats will be provided. Hope to see you there!

    And think about combining this event with a visit to BIMA and the Book Arts Gallery.   Questions?  Contact Jane Carlin: carlinjane@gmail.com.

    Visit the BARN site for directions:   https://bainbridgebarn.org/.

    2025 Annual Members Exhibition Update!

    Questions? Email psba.exhibition@pugetsoundbookartists.org.

    Recent PSBA Events

    PSBA Annual Book Exchange

    The PSBA’s annual book exchange took place in October, with over 20 members joining for an inspiring afternoon. This year’s theme was “threads,” and artists creatively interpreted it in unique ways. Abbie Birmingham, co-coordinator for the event, remarked, “The PSBA book exchange was such a positive affirmation of our extraordinarily creative community.” If you have suggestions for a theme for the 2025 book exchange send them to Abbie at abbiemi5274@gmail.com. Abbie shares that she has found the volunteer role to be enjoyable and fulfilling, requiring only a minimal time commitment.

     PSBA is seeking a few volunteers to help organize this inspiring event. If you’re interested in learning more or would like to volunteer, please Belinda Hill at benjisnewadventure@gmail.com.

     To explore the books featured in this year’s exchange, visit the PSBA website.  

    Volunteers Needed to Review Book Arts Collection

    This past summer Mary Jane Linford, book artist on Bainbridge, donated some papers, rubber stamps and brayers and other items to PSBA. They need to be reviewed and organized for possible inclusion in PSBA workshop kits and for sharing at Wayzgoose.  The collection is currently housed in bags in the PSBA storage area in Collins Library (University of Puget Sound). If you are interested in helping review these items one morning in January, please contact Jane Carlin at carlinjane@gmail.com to make arrangements.

    Olympia-area PSBA Meetings

    The next Olympia PSBA meet-up will be held on Wednesday, December 4, starting at 1:30pm in the Olympia Public Library meeting room. Everyone is welcome!  Please bring some book art or creative writing to share. This is a fun and supportive place to show your current work, ask questions if you are stuck, or get inspiration from other book artists.

    Other Book Arts Upcoming Events

    Vashon Island Visual Artists 2024 Holiday Studio Tour

    The tour takes places December 7-8 and December 14-15, 10am-4pm. Visit over 140 artists from 44 studios. Click here to learn more.

    2025 Paper and Book Intensive Financial Aid Opportunity

    Applications for financial aid to attend the 2025 Paper and Book Intensive are open through 11:59pm on December 31, 2024. Read below to learn more about the various opportunities. You can apply directly at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCvbodNyK4dfAWZHZvzKT8TWJMfPMwkdvMhEkbjgt3icRA2w/viewform).

    General registration opens January 1, 2025. Visit https://www.paperbookintensive.org/2025classes to see our 2025 lineup of classes and instructors. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at brien@paperbookintensive.org.

    The 10th Annual Washington State Zine Contest is now open! Submissions are due March 28, 2025. Visti the official website for further information, https://washingtoncenterforthebook.org/wszc/.

    Call for Member News

    Are you planning a special event or workshop? Have you recently presented your work at a Conference or event? Is your work included in an exhibition?

    If you would like to share information, please send your submission to Julia.stringfellow@cwu.edu by Thursday, December 26. Subject line should read: PSBA Member News. The January newsletter will be sent out to the membership early that month.

    Call to Share Upcoming Events

    Do you have an upcoming event that you are holding or participating in? Let us know! Email psba.public.relations@pugetsoundbookartists.org to add it to the calendar.

    Other Book Arts Resources

    New Newberry Digital Collection: The Newberry has recently completed the digitization of over 750 maps printed in Italy during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The Franco Novacco Map Collection <https://digital.newberry.org/novacco>, one of the strongest of its kind in the world, reflects Europeans’ evolving conceptions of the world during a time of widespread exploration and colonization.


    Your PSBA Board

    Meet the Board members on the Contact Us webpage.

  • 24 Dec 2024 1:31 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings and happy fall PSBA members!

    Greetings from the PSBA President!

    Dear Friends,

    The Big End-Of-Year Holiday months are here! I hope that with all that traditionally pulls at us and delights us there is time for book artists to enjoy their work. Our PSBA Exhibit Curators have chosen an intriguing theme for our 2025 Members’ Exhibit, and I, for one, intend to brainstorm possibilities for it during the next month.

    I also want to express appreciation for all of you who have volunteered your time and/or money for this year. We have been growing in membership and programs for the last few years; and we have certainly loved and needed your contributions to our organizational efforts.

    Sally Alger, PSBA board president

    2025 Annual Members Exhibition Update!

    Theme Announcement for PSBA 2025 Annual Exhibition!

    The PSBA board is pleased to announce the curatorial team for the 14th Annual Exhibition. They include PSBA members Kim Izenman, Diane Miller, Sha Towers, Suze Woolf, and chair, Debbi Commodore.

    It's time to add the 14th Annual Puget Sound Book Artists Exhibition to your 2025 calendar.

    As in years past, the exhibition will be at the University of Puget Sound's Collins Library in June and July.

    This year’s theme is “Field Work,” which could mean the conventional sense of work performed not only in the office or studio but also in the artist’s area of interest or expertise and how that interest is expressed in the work. While it often has a professional, scientific, or academic undercurrent, other phrases like “the field is wide open” or “out in the left field” suggest large competitive sports arenas. “Field” can typically mean “outdoors” but could equally be a different part of one’s country (“far afield”) but also of one’s brain or soul. You can even consider fieldwork through an agricultural lens or a spiritual one. Your field of vision is wide open.

    As in years past, you are invited to submit work inspired by the theme or your own muse (outside the theme).

    More information, including prospectus and dates, will follow over the next few months.

    Upcoming Events

    November 10: Tools of the Trade: A Historical Viewpoint of Artist Tools with Mark Hoppmann, November 10, 2PM–4PM, Archives & Special Collections Seminar Room, Collins Memorial Library at University of Puget Sound.

    Mark Hoppmann will be presenting at Collins Library (University of Puget Sound) on the Tools of the Trade sharing an amazing array of artifacts and tools.  Not to be missed!

    Click here for further information and to register.

    November 14: Whatcom Book Arts meeting, 12:30-4, WECU Education Center in Ferndale. You're invited to attend this outreach group of PSBA members and other book arts enthusiasts, who meet every month in Ferndale, WA.  Pat Wagner will be leading the workshop. Based on Seth Apter’s 52 Card Pickup and Paper Quilting workshops, we will turn a deck of cards into a journal. Once we complete the workshop, you’ll have a journal set up for use each week throughout a year, one card at a time.

    Preregistration is required.  A supply list will be provided upon registration. Contact Fran McReynolds at whatcombookarts@gmail.com.

    November 21, Lunchtime Conversation with Helen Hiebert: A Tour of Japanese Papermaking, Noon–1PM, Zoom. During this event facilitated by Jane Carlin, Helen will talk about the Japan Paper Tour that she led in June, an 11-day odyssey with a group of 10 paper enthusiasts. The group spent 3 days in Echizen, a village with over 1500 years of papermaking history; visited Gifu and Mino, where Isamu Noguchi revitalized lantern-making in the 1950's; and explored Kyoto, touring temples and gardens, visiting shops dedicated to paper. The tour culminated with a celebratory dinner complete with a geiko performance.

    Click here for further information and to register.

    Olympia-area PSBA Meetings

    Image courtesy of Belinda Hill.

    The 2024 Members’ exhibition continues at Daniel Evans Library on the Evergreen State College campus through mid-December. There was a great open-case event in October with a packed room. If you haven't seen the exhibit yet or want to see it again, join the Olympia area PSBA group on November 11 near the Rare Books Room at the Evergreen State College library from 2:00-4:00 pm. Come early and check out the exhibit or look through the collection of artists books stored in the Rare Book Room. If you'd like more information about the meeting contact Ann Storey at aelizabethstorey@gmail.com

    There was also a display of PSBA artist book at the Lacey Library in October as well as an introductory class.

    News From the Outreach Committee

    November 13, 6:30pm -8pm Pierce County Meet-up University Place Library: Please join us at the November Pierce County PSBA Meet-up on Wednesday, Nov 13, 6:30-8:00 pm.  We will be brainstorming ideas for the PSBA Exhibition on the theme, “Field Work.” We will return to the University Place Public Library Meeting Room. Address: 3609 Market Place W., Suite 100, University Place, WA 98466. We are meeting at this new date, place and time to encourage more participation.

    December 1, 1-3 pm, Lotus Fold Mini-Book Free Workshop: Please Join us for a Free Zoom Workshop: Lotus Fold Mini Books for Ornaments, Neckless and Earrings offered by Belinda Hill.  Look in your November Dues Renewal and Donation letter for the kit you will need for the workshop. Registration email coming soon.

    Other Book Arts Upcoming Events

    Fall Book Fair at Finnriver Farm and Cidery, Chimacum, WA.

    Sunday November 10th, 12-5pm

    Questions? Contact Conner Roberts of Winter Texts, publisher.wintertexts@gmail.com.

    Seattle Art Book Fair Pageturner Fellowship!  Check out the SABF Instagram page and learn about this great opportunity.  Application closes in late November!

    The 10th Annual Washington State Zine Contest is now open! Submissions are due March 28, 2025. Visti the official website for further information, https://washingtoncenterforthebook.org/wszc/.

    Call for Member News

    Are you planning a special event or workshop? Have you recently presented your work at a Conference or event? Is your work included in an exhibition?

    If you would like to share information, please send your submission to Julia.stringfellow@cwu.edu by Tuesday, November 26. Subject line should read: PSBA Member News. The December newsletter will be sent out to the membership early that month.

    Call to Share Upcoming Events

    Do you have an upcoming event that you are holding or participating in? Let us know! Email psba.public.relations@pugetsoundbookartists.org to add it to the calendar.


    Your PSBA Board

    Meet the Board members on the Contact Us webpage.

  • 19 Nov 2024 10:50 AM | Anonymous

    Greetings and happy fall PSBA members!

    Greetings from the PSBA President!

    Dear Friends,

    I hope the cooler weather and October light is inspiring you all. We need your creativity and energy for our book arts programs coming up this fall. Our board met in September for its annual planning retreat, and our committees are busy working on 2025 priorities. The board is always eager to hear from members about what they value, about PSBA; so if you have ideas for learning events or concerns for us for next year please email me:sarah.alger2@gmail.com.

    Meanwhile, for our next 3 months, see the news below. Our exhibits and exciting events continue with the PSBA Book Exchange; a Lunchtime Zoom Conversation; the Members Exhibit in Olympia, and many regional book arts support group meetings.

    May you have a fine October!

    Sally Alger, PSBA board president

    Upcoming Events

    October 5: Bainbridge Book Festival. There will be author and poetry readings throughout the day with some events at BIMA. Learn more at https://www.bainbridgebookfestival.org/.

    October 6: PSBA 6th Annual Book Exchange, 2-4pm, University of Puget Sound, Collins Library.

     We hope you will join us for the annual book exchange! This year’s theme is “Threads”. There are many possibilities with the theme-- “thread the needle”, “threads of a river”, “threads of a life”, “threading your way through the maze”. And, of course, there are endless ways to incorporate actual thread in your book!

     The rules are simple. Create a book using the theme and join the exchange at the in-person event. Your name/book will be randomly paired with another participating artist and in exchange you receive a book from a randomly selected participating artist. Books from the past years exchanges have been amazing! For inspiration, visit the PSBA website to view images of the books from the past few years. We hope you’ll feel inspired to join in.  It is an inspirational to see the books created with the theme and you will get to add a fabulous new book to your collection!

    Complete the online registration formby September 30. You do not need to attend the in-person exchange to participate.

     Questions?  Contact Abbie Birmingham, abbiemi5274@gmail.comO

    October 8, 5:30-7:00 Pierce County PSBA Meet-up: University of Puget Sound, Collins Library, Second floor in the Archives classroom. Get to know PSBA members who live near you, receive feedback on your work, or help a fellow book artist. Bring something to share or just enjoy the conversation.

    October 12-13, Tacoma studio Tours: Many of our members participate so check out the details at tacomaartsmonth.org. PSBA members showing include: Lee Anne Campos, Sharon Styer, Becky Frehse, Taylor Cox, Lynne Farren, Lisa Hasegawa, Dorothy McCuistion, Mark Hoppmann, Yuka Petz, Deborah Greenwood, Lucia Harrison, and Jessica Spring.

    October 20, 1-3 pm Open case event: PSBA Time Travel Exhibition. The Evergreen State College Daniel J. Evans Library, 2700 Evergreen Parkway, NW, Olympia. Listen to selected artists in the exhibition discuss their work.

    October 17, Lunchtime Conversation with Zoe Goehring with host Jane Carlin, Noon–1PM, ZOOM: We are delighted to welcome Zoe Goehring of Cave Paper to our lunchtime ZOOM conversation. Cave Paper, located in Tucson, Arizona is an independently owned handmade paper production studio operating since 1994 dedicated to making decorated and unique sheets of high-quality paper for use by artists, bookbinders and designers. Zoe will share her own journey as a papermaker and share insights into the products and processes of this iconic company.

    Event is free but registration is required. Register here.

    October 26 and 27: The Seattle Antiquarian Book Fair is a fun event with amazing dealers of books and ephemera of all kinds. If you enjoyed Allie Alvis's presentation, this is a great event to join and browse!  PSBA Members Jane Carlin and Mark Hoppmann will be hosting the Book Club of Washington table for a few hours on Saturday and Sunday. Drop by and say hello.  More information at https://www.seattlebookfair.com/.

    November 10: Mark Hoppmann will be presenting at Collins Library (University of Puget Sound) on the Tools of the Trade sharing an amazing array of artifacts and tools.  Not to be missed! More information coming soon.

    Olympia PSBA Meetings

    We hope that PSBA members in the Olympia area will attend the Members' Exhibit Open Case event at the Evergreen State College Library on October 20th at 1:30 pm. Then there will be a field trip to see Carrie Larson's new installation Vital Flow at Gray's Harbor College on October 31st. If you'd like more details on the field trip contact Belinda Hill at benjisnewadventure@gmail.com.

    Recaps of Recent PSBA Events

    Ann Storey’s workshop on Coptic and French Link Binding September 14.

    Allie Alvis Presentation: On September 19, we welcomed Allie Alvis from WInterthur Library to our ZOOM lunchtime conversation. Allie shared some remarkable historical books and ephemera that inspired us all. The recording will soon be available via our YouTube channel.   Allie also shared some exciting news about a Maker-Creator Fellowship available from Winterthur. Details are below!

    Maker-Creator Fellowship: Stipend: $2,500 per month

    Our two to six week research fellowships are designed for artistic and creative professionals to examine, study, and immerse themselves in Winterthur’s vast collections to inspire production of new work. Past fellows have utilized the museum’s landscape, gardens, museum collections, and library for inspiration, precedent, instruction, and material for their creations.

    Studio space is not currently available, but program staff are available to talk through your needs to see what is possible in order to accommodate some on-site making.  See our Current and Past Research Fellows page for a list of all Maker-Creator Fellowship recipients. The Winterthur Fellows’ Projects page has more information on the range of creative projects shaped by experiences at Winterthur.

    Directions to apply can be found here. Maker-Creator Fellowship applicants will need to supply work samples in addition to the application form, essay, bibliography, CV, and letters of reference required for the other fellowships.

    News From the Outreach Committee

    As a part of PSBA’s Outreach Program, we are delighted to invite you to submit an application to be included in a month-long February 2025 exhibition at the Elisabeth C. Miller Library housed at the Center for Urban Horticulture, which is part of the University of Washington Botanic Gardens in Seattle.  This is an opportunity for you to exhibit existing work.

    The Miller Library emphasizes horticulture, botany, plant ecology, and garden design. They serve students, faculty and staff of the University and other regional schools, professional horticulturists and garden designers, and especially the public. Exhibiting art allows them to celebrate local artists who share their love of plants, gardens and nature. Art can be both educational and inspiring, drawing the community into the library throughout the year. 

    Who can apply? PSBA Members

    Theme:  Nature

    Application Deadline: Nov. 1, 2024 midnight

    Letters of Acceptance by Dec. 1, 2024

    Entry Fee? None

    Apply at  https://psba.formstack.com/forms/2025_miller_library_exhibion_call.

    Questions: Email Lucia Harrison at luciaharrison49@gmail.com.

    Resources to Know About

    We are introducing a new category to our Newsletter. Do you have a favorite book, website or resource that you turn to in your artistic practice? Let us know!

     This month we are featuring a Book Arts List that is run by Emory University. This international list was originally set up by Peter Verheyen at Cornell University in 1994 and hosting it at Syracuse University since 1995 and was recently transferred to Emory. Sign up here.

    Other Book Arts Upcoming Events

    November 2: Our friends at the Book Club of Washington invite us to join them on November 2nd when along with FOLIO, they are cohosting a day-long event focused on censorship from multiple perspectives. Jessica Spring and Sweet Pea will be two of the featured presenters, along with Jenny Wilkinson from partners in print. Enjoy a day out in Seattle. The event will be held in the beautiful FOLIO space right above Pike Place Market! More information is available here.

    Paper Sculpture: Multiples, Mobiles, and Art From BARN, transform papers with paint and texture and explore basic book structures to create a sculptural series.

    Crossing the Line: The Passport Re-Imagined is a traveling exhibition built around ideas and ideals of identity, belonging, and freedom of movement. Twelve artists were commissioned by the Cynthia Sears Artists’ Books Collection to take inspiration from the passport and other travel documents to create an artist book. In addition, another sixteen artists’ books were curated from the collection to bring additional perspectives. Together, these 28 artists’ books take us around the world and into the future, documenting the promises and limitations of the passport, depending much on who has one and what nationality or group has conferred belonging. 

    Call for Member News

    Are you planning a special event or workshop? Have you recently presented your work at a Conference or event? Is your work included in an exhibition?

    If you would like to share information, please send your submission to Julia.stringfellow@cwu.edu by Saturday, October 26. Subject line should read: PSBA Member News. The October newsletter will be sent out to the membership early that month.

    Call to Share Upcoming Events

    Do you have an upcoming event that you are holding or participating in? Let us know! Email psba.public.relations@pugetsoundbookartists.org to add it to the calendar.


    Your PSBA Board

    Meet the Board members on the Contact Us webpage.

  • 19 Nov 2024 10:43 AM | Anonymous

    Greetings PSBA members! Hope your summer is going well!

    Greetings from the PSBA President!

    Dear Friends,

    We have had a lovely sunny summer, and it is not over yet. As we head into late summer and fall, PSBA will present some wonderful programs this September. On the 14 we have the Coptic Binding and French Link stitch class— I am looking forward to that. And our very successful book arts meetups will continue to enhance our community of makers. In these groups we meet face to face to see each other’s work or just visit. On September 19 we present the first of the Lunchtime Talks with Allie Alvis, curator of Winterthur special collections.

    And I still want to sign up for the members’ book exchange on October 6.

    You will find more details about these things below on the PSBA website:


    Our PSBA 2024 exhibit “Time Travel” is on display until September 13 at the Evergreen State College Library. And our newly formed 2025 Members’ Exhibit team is beginning to plan for next year; more information about this will come soon. See you in September on any or all these occasions.


    Sally Alger

    Upcoming Events

    September 14: Workshop Coptic and French Link Stitch Binding, 10AM-4:30PM, Becky Frehse’s Studio in Tacoma.

    Create a beautiful, functional sewn book that can be used as a personal journal, sketchbook, travel book or a special gift. The Coptic stitched book is one of the earliest forms of the codex. We will alternate the Coptic stitch with the French Link stitch to create a book with a decorative exposed binding. The finished book is extremely sturdy and easy to use since it lies completely flat when opened

    Workshop fee: Members $90, Non-Members: $125. Register here.

    September 15, Books History Presentation by the Janes, 2:00 pm. University of Puget Sound, Collins Library.

    Join Jane Carlin and Jane Connelly (Archivist & Special Collections Librarian, Collins Library). The "Janes" will share an overview of book history from medieval times to the present day as well as display historical items and most recent book purchases for the Collins Library! This is a great opportunity to reconnect with members in person and see some amazing new and "old" books!

    September 17, Olympia PSBA Meet-Up, 2pm.

    The September Olympia PSBA meet-up will be held at the Olympia Public Library meeting room. Everyone is welcome!  Please bring some creative art or writing to share. This is a fun and supportive place to show your current work, ask questions if you are stuck, or get inspiration from other book artists.

    September 19 Lunchtime Conversations with Allie Alvis, Zoom, Noon-1pm.

    Allie Alvis, Curator of Special Collections, Winterthur Museum, Garden, & Library will share some of the incredible bespoke items from this world-famous collection. Follow her on Instagram at book historia. Special Collections Librarian Jane Connelly will co-facilitate the event.

    Event is free but registration is required. Register here.

    October 6: PSBA 6th Annual Book Exchange, 2-4pm, University of Puget Sound, Collins Library.

     We hope you will join us for the annual book exchange! This year’s theme is “Threads”. There are many possibilities with the theme-- “thread the needle”, “threads of a river”, “threads of a life”, “threading your way through the maze”. And, of course, there are endless ways to incorporate actual thread in your book!

     The rules are simple. Create a book using the theme and join the exchange at the in-person event. Your name/book will be randomly paired with another participating artist and in exchange you receive a book from a randomly selected participating artist. Books from the past years exchanges have been amazing! For inspiration, visit the PSBA website to view images of the books from the past few years. We hope you’ll feel inspired to join in.  It is an inspirational to see the books created with the theme and you will get to add a fabulous new book to your collection!

    Complete the online registration formby September 30. You do not need to attend the in-person exchange to participate.

     Questions?  Contact Abbie Birmingham, abbiemi5274@gmail.com.

    Sharing about Recent PSBA Events

    Thanks to PSBA member Bonnie Julien, who donated a treasure trove of books acquired through book exchanges over many years to BARN (Bainbridge Island Artisan Resource Network).  BARN hosted a meet & greet/show & tell on August 21st where we were able to have a hands on viewing of these inspirational books, meet with members from all over the region, and tour the studios!  Pictured is Bonnie, with Jane Kim, a BARN volunteer who serves as the Print and Book Arts Studio coordinator.  It was great to reconnect with members in person and be inspired!  One of my favorite projects was a series of artists trading cards!   Maybe a PSBA project for the future?

    Photos courtesy of Jane Carlin.

    News From the Outreach Committee

    The PSBA Annual Exhibition "Time Travel" moves to the Evans Library at The Evergreen State College in Olympia! The exhibit opens September 29, 2024, and close December 13. There will be an Open Case Event on Sunday, October 20 from 1:00pm-3:00pm.

    The library is open Sundays through Fridays and closed for major holidays. To view the current library hours, go to https://www.evergreen.edu/offices-services/library/hours.

    While you are visiting the library, be sure to check out the James F. Holly Rare Books Room, which houses a unique collection of artist books and is managed by PSBA member Ray Zill. The Rare Books Room collection is open to drop-in visits from 12:00pm-5:000pm Sunday through Friday.

    If it is your first time visiting Evergreen, please consult these driving directions and parking information before your trip. Parking is free on Sundays.

    Upcoming Exhibit Opportunity at the Miller Library on the UW Campus in February 2025. One of the goals of the Outreach Committee is to create exhibit opportunities for existing artist books made by PSBA Members. This introduces the medium of artist books to a larger community, reaches out to potential members, and gives you a chance to exhibit work that you have already made. Since the Miller Library is part of the Center for Urban Horticulture, the exhibit theme will be "Nature and the Book." Dig into your archive and watch for an announcement in the September newsletter about how to be part of the exhibit.

    Member News

    Denise Stephenson's book Onion won the Challenge award for Best Integration of Structure, Text, Materials and Imagery at the FOBA (Focus on Book Arts) Conference this summer in Monmouth, Oregon. This year's theme was “Interaction.” Full disclosure, there was a tie for this award.

    Her book, Counting Loss, a trio of elegeic letter-pressed poetry books, was accepted by the Decatur Arts Alliance at the Georgia Center for the Book. It will be in “The Book As Art v.12: Rock, Paper, Scissors” exhibit, September 5-October 28, 2024.

    Other Book Arts Upcoming Events

    Out of Sorts Exhibit

    Ray Zill will have a solo art show at PNCA's 157 Gallery in Portland, Oregon. The opening reception is on First Thursday September 5 from 5:00pm-8:00pm, and the show will be up through September 17. Out of Sorts is a collection of printed work that reflects on Ray's experience with sight loss. Included in this show are meditations on eye contact, optotypes, and the labor that goes into reading. Hand-set letterpress type and screen printing are utilized to create an environment filled with a cacophony of letters, oversize eye charts, and disappearing text. All work includes large print and braille tags with audio description available online. For more information, reach out to Ray directly at poetrayprints@gmail.com.

    Summer Printmaking and Book Arts Classes at Community Print

    Community Print released their schedule of summer classes, and there's a lot to look forward to! Visit our website to register at https://www.community-print.org/classes

    Interested in teaching a class at Community Print? Email olympialetterpress@gmail.com to submit a fall class proposal by August 24.

    Upcoming classes include:

    September 14: Playing with Pantones: Ink & Color Theory Workshop with Lisa Hasegawa

    September 15: Keepsake Journals with René Westbrook

    September 28: Non-Traditional Letterpress with Lisa Hasegawa

    2025 Newport Paper & Book Arts Festival XXVII

    The festival is now accepting proposals through October 4, 2024.

    From the website: “The Oregon Coast Council for the Arts welcomes proposals for one- and two-day workshops featuring new and innovative techniques as well as traditional processes, including but not limited to: Assemblage, Book Arts, Collage, Dyeing, Mixed Media, Paper Making, Paper Manipulation, Printing, Specialty Binding Techniques and Surface Design.”

    The event will take place April 10-12, 2025. Download the proposal form here.

    Call for Member News

    Are you planning a special event or workshop? Have you recently presented your work at a Conference or event? Is your work included in an exhibition?

    If you would like to share information, please send your submission to Julia.stringfellow@cwu.edu by Thursday, September 26. Subject line should read: PSBA Member News. The October newsletter will be sent out to the membership early that month.

    Call to Share Upcoming Events

    Do you have an upcoming event that you are holding or participating in? Let us know! Email psba.public.relations@pugetsoundbookartists.org to add it to the calendar.


    Your PSBA Board

    Meet the Board members on the Contact Us webpage.

  • 29 Oct 2024 1:17 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings PSBA members! Hope you are having a great summer!

    Greetings from the PSBA President!

    Dear Friends,

    I hope you all have had or will have a chance to visit the PSBA Members’ exhibit at the Collins Library until August 1. And I am glad to say that the PSBA exhibit is NOT OVER. It’s moving to The Evergreen State College and will be on display from mid-September through mid-December. I have been back to see it twice, and I am still not done marveling at the many ways the idea of “Time Travel” can be explored.

    Several of our members have been organizing some small informal regional groups for anyone who wants to get acquainted with other nearby book arts enthusiasts and/or see what others are working on, get ideas and insights. These are great fun, very satisfying. Scan on to see other book arts events and opportunities coming up.

    May you all have a rich and enjoyable rest-of-summer.


    Sally Alger

    Upcoming Events

    August 13: Monthly Pierce County PSBA Meet-ups, Second Tuesday of the Month, 5-7 pm.

     Please join us at the first Pierce County PSBA Meet-up on Tuesday, August 13, 5-7 pm, University Place Public Library Meeting Room.  Address: 3609 Market Place W., Suite 100, University Place, WA 98466. Our second meeting will be on August 13, same time, same place.

    What is a Meet-up? A chance to get to know PSBA members who live near YOU! And share your work. Bring something to share:

    • a project you are working on
    • a problem you need help with
    • your favorite new tool or technique
    • something you made at a workshop
    • a new artist book you have added to your collection.
    • an idea for a workshop

    This is very informal, you don’t need to register, you can bring an interested friend, and you don’t have to live in Pierce County!

    The meet-ups will be facilitated (alternately) by Becky Frehse.

    August 21: PSBA Meet and Greet at BARN on Bainbridge Island, Noon- 1:30 pm, Bainbridge BARN.

    Hosted by Bonnie Julien and Jane Carlin, along with members of the BARN Print and Book Arts Studio.

    This is an informal gathering to view the amazing, whimsical, fun, and inspiring exchange books gifted to BARN from Bonnie and to learn about her experiences with NORBAG and book exchanges. We will have lemonade and cookies on hand and plan brief remarks at 12:30. We also encourage all attendees to bring your own inspiration book for display.

    Also a reminder that BIMA has a wonderful book arts exhibit on display: A Radical Alteration: Women's Studio Workshop as a Sustainable Model for Art Making. BIMA is just a short drive from BARN, so even if you are not from Kitsap or close to Bainbridge, think of a great day out!

    PSBA thanks BARN for supporting this collaborative meeting. Learn more about BARN membership by visiting the homepage, https://bainbridgebarn.org/.

    Questions? Contact Jane Carlin, carlinjane@gmail.com.

    September 14: Workshop Coptic and French Link Stitch Binding, 10AM-4:30PM, Becky Frehse’s Studio in Tacoma.

    Create a beautiful, functional sewn book that can be used as a personal journal, sketchbook, travel book or a special gift. The Coptic stitched book is one of the earliest forms of the codex. We will alternate the Coptic stitch with the French Link stitch to create a book with a decorative exposed binding. The finished book is extremely sturdy and easy to use since it lies completely flat when opened

    Workshop fee: Members $90, Non-Members: $125. Register here.

    October 6: PSBA 6th Annual Book Exchange, 2-4pm, University of Puget Sound, Collins Library.

     We hope you will join us for the annual book exchange! This year’s theme is “Threads”. There are many possibilities with the theme-- “thread the needle”, “threads of a river”, “threads of a life”, “threading your way through the maze”. And, of course, there are endless ways to incorporate actual thread in your book!

     The rules are simple. Create a book using the theme and join the exchange at the in-person event. Your name/book will be randomly paired with another participating artist and in exchange you receive a book from a randomly selected participating artist. Books from the past years exchanges have been amazing! For inspiration, visit the PSBA website to view images of the books from the past few years. We hope you’ll feel inspired to join in.  It is an inspirational to see the books created with the theme and you will get to add a fabulous new book to your collection!

    Complete the online registration formby September 30. You do not need to attend the in-person exchange to participate.

     Questions?  Contact Abbie Birmingham, abbiemi5274@gmail.com.

    Return of Lunchtime Conversations on Zoom! These will be starting up this fall so mark your calendar! Look for registration details in the near future. We also want to extend a thank you to Amanda Clark for serving as co-facilitator for several years! And we are excited to share some new co-facilitators this fall. If you are interested in helping line up and participate in the 2025 Zoom conversations, please contact Jane at carlinjane@gmail.com.

    Upcoming Conversations:

    • September 19: Allie Alvis, Curator of Special Collections, Winterthur Museum, Garden, & Library will share some of the incredible bespoke items from this world-famous collection. Follow her on Instagram at book historia. Special Collections Librarian Jane Connelly will co-facilitate the event.
    • October 17: Zoe Goehring of Cave Paper will introduce us to this unique papermaking studio now located in Tucson, Arizona (co-facilitator PSBA Board member and papermaker Deborah Greenwood).
    • November 19: Helen Hiebert will take us on a virtual journey of Japan and highlights of her recent papermaking tour (co-facilitator PSBA member Gina Pisello who joined Helen on the Japan journey).

    Sharing about Recent PSBA Events

    Recap of Panel Discussion! PSBA hosted a lively, wide-ranging panel discussion with artists Catherine Alice Michaelis, Alicia Bailey and Mari Exkstein Gower on July 24. This online talk, coordinated by the Exhibit Team and moderated by Jane Carlin, was attended by fifty book arts enthusiasts from throughout North America. The discussion focused on fresh perspectives in the book arts and generated many thoughtful ideas, questions and comments.

    The panelists have recently noted a trend of a higher level of engagement with content in artist books. This involves an integration of structure, artistic expression and ideation–often expressed through the inclusion of the artist's own writing as an important part of their books.

    Panelists expressed the importance of curating exhibits at a local level and also suggested that book artists submit work to shows in other media. Panelists agreed that there is a higher level of engagement than ever before with book arts, spurred by exhibits and events such as Codex, but that there is also room for continued outreach to new audiences. Additional comments touched on the importance of innovation and documentation in the book arts, but also the welcoming community which is open to all practitioners and lovers of this fascinating genre.

    Congratulations to the Exhibit Team for their hard work. 

    News From the Outreach Committee

    The PSBA Annual Exhibition "Time Travel" moves to the Evans Library at The Evergreen State College! The exhibit opens September 29, 2025 and will close on December 20, 2025. We are planning events associated with the exhibit. A special thanks to Ray Zill, Evergreen Librarian, book artist, and poet, who is collaborating with the Outreach Committee to make this possible.

    Upcoming Exhibit Opportunity at the Miller Library on the UW Campus in February 2025. One of the goals of the Outreach Committee is to create exhibit opportunities for existing artist books made by PSBA Members. This introduces the medium of artist books to a larger community, reaches out to potential members, and gives you a chance to exhibit work that you have already made. Since the Miller Library is part of the Center for Urban Horticulture, the exhibit theme will be "Nature and the Book." Dig into your archive and watch for an announcement in the September newsletter about how to be part of the exhibit.

    Member News

    Jane Carlin and Olivia Inglin (Abby Williams Hill Archivist/Assistant Archivist at Collins Library) recently published an article in The Journal of the Book Club of Washington, “The World Through Abby's Eyes.” The article provides a detailed review of the recent exhibition held at Collins, with images and artist statements of all the artists that participated in the exhibit. As the editor of the journal states, "Jane and Olivia make it clear how the art provided testimonials to Abby and her life showcase how archives can generate important dialogues about the past and raise important questions about equity, privilege and roles." The BCW Journal will be available digitally in a few months, but if you are interested in a copy of the article, please contact Jane.

    Other Book Arts Upcoming Events

    Summer Printmaking and Book Arts Classes at Community Print

    Community Print released their schedule of summer classes, and there's a lot to look forward to! Visit our website to register at https://www.community-print.org/classes

    Interested in teaching a class at Community Print? Email olympialetterpress@gmail.com to submit a fall class proposal by August 24.

    Upcoming classes include:

    August 10: Introduction to Letterpress

    August 17: Whole Cloth Patterning and Printing with Faith Hagenhofer

    September 14: Playing with Pantones: Ink & Color Theory Workshop with Lisa Hasegawa

    September 15: Keepsake Journals with René Westbrook

    September 28: Non-Traditional Letterpress with Lisa Hasegawa

    Minnesota Center for Books Arts, learn about upcoming workshops here,


    Call for Member News

    Are you planning a special event or workshop? Have you recently presented your work at a Conference or event? Is your work included in an exhibition?

    If you would like to share information, please send your submission to Julia.stringfellow@cwu.edu by Monday, August 26. Subject line should read: PSBA Member News. The September newsletter will be sent out to the membership early that month.

    Call to Share Upcoming Events

    Do you have an upcoming event that you are holding or participating in? Let us know! Email psba.public.relations@pugetsoundbookartists.org to add it to the calendar.


    Your PSBA Board

    Meet the Board members on the Contact Us webpage.

  • 29 Jul 2024 3:25 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings PSBA members! Wishing you a happy Fourth of July!

    Image courtesy of Abbie Birmingham, The Scablands - Stories

    From the High Desert.

    Upcoming Events

    13th Annual PSBA Members’ Exhibition June 4, 2024–August 1, 2024:

    The annual PSBA Members' Exhibit continues at the Collins Library at the University of Puget Sound. We had a well-attended reception, with the announcement of award winners, as well as an interesting open-case event.

    Still to come are the following free events:

    • Time Travel Art Workshop: Saturday, July 13, 10-11:30 am, on Zoom. This workshop will be co-taught by Ann Storey and Belinda Hill. You will learn how to do a Turkish map fold and use that structure to create a three-page illustrated artist's book. The content of your book will be a story map about your travel to an imaginary time and place. We will draw simple contour lines of our hands and eyes with colored pencils to create a topographical 'body' map. Then we will include some inspirational writing within and around our maps to express our time travel experience relating to this fictional place. Register here.
    • Second open case event: Tuesday, July 16, 1-3 pm, Collins Library. This is the second of two free open-case events to accompany the 2024 PSBA Members' Exhibit. This is a great opportunity to share your work in the exhibit and to see and hear about some of the other artist books on display. Register here.
    • Panel discussion, Fresh Perspectives in Book Arts, Wednesday, July 24, 12-1 pm with Catherine Alice Michaels, Alicia Bailey and Mari Eckstein Gower; moderated by Jane Carlin, on Zoom. Additional information and registration is here.

    PSBA 6th Annual Book Exchange: October 6, 2-4pm, University of Puget Sound, Collins Library.

     We hope you will join us for the annual book exchange! This year’s theme is “Threads”. There are many possibilities with the theme-- “thread the needle”, “threads of a river”, “threads of a life”, “threading your way through the maze”. And, of course, there are endless ways to incorporate actual thread in your book!

     The rules are simple. Create a book using the theme and join the exchange at the in-person event. Your name/book will be randomly paired with another participating artist and in exchange you receive a book from a randomly selected participating artist. Books from the past years exchanges have been amazing! For inspiration, visit the PSBA website to view images of the books from the past few years. We hope you’ll feel inspired to join in.  It is an inspirational to see the books created with the theme and you will get to add a fabulous new book to your collection!

    Complete the online registration formby September 30. You do not need to attend the in-person exchange to participate. Registration form LINK.

     Questions?  Contact Abbie Birmingham, abbiemi5274@gmail.com.

    The July 6 and 7 marbling workshops are FULL! Look for pictures from the events in the August PSBA newsletter.

    From the Outreach Committee: Upcoming PSBA Meet-ups

    Regional Meet-ups: Did you know that PSBA has 214 members geographically distributed around Puget Sound?  Clusters are in Olympia, Tacoma, King County, Port Angeles/Sequim/Port Townsend, Bainbridge Island/Bremerton, and Whatcom County. The PSBA Outreach Committee is encouraging members to start monthly meet-ups in their locations. These meet-ups are a chance to informally share your work. A group in Olympia has been meeting for 2 years (Contact:  Belinda Hill or Ann Storey), in Port Angeles/Sequim for 2 years (Contact: Jan Dove), in Whatcom County for several months (Contact: Fran McReynolds), and Bainbridge Island, Bremerton and Kitsap County (Contact Jane Carlin).

    NEW!  Monthly Pierce County PSBA Meet-ups, Second Tuesday of the Month, 5-7 pm.

     Please join us at the first Pierce County PSBA Meet-up on Tuesday, July 9, 5-7 pm, University Place Public Library Meeting Room.  Address: 3609 Market Place W., Suite 100, University Place, WA 98466. Our second meeting will be on August 13, same time, same place.

    What is a Meet-up? A chance to get to know PSBA members who live near YOU! And share your work. Bring something to share:

    • a project you are working on
    • a problem you need help with
    • your favorite new tool or technique
    • something you made at a workshop
    • a new artist book you have added to your collection.
    • an idea for a workshop

    This is very informal, you don’t need to register, you can bring an interested friend, and you don’t have to live in Pierce County!

    The meet-ups will be facilitated (alternately) by Lucia Harrison and Becky Frehse from the PSBA Member Development and Outreach Committee.

    Sharing about Recent PSBA Events

    Images courtesy of Jessie Wing form the May workshop “Fun and Fanciful Paper Pop-ups.”

    Member News

    "Downpour" courtesy of Becky Frehse.

    Becky Frehse

    Becky’s "Spacious Rambles" exhibit of mixed media paintings is still on exhibit through July 14 at Lakewold Gardens in Lakewood, Washington. www.lakewoldgardens.org. Becky's work (www.beckyfrehse.com) is inspired by nature, gardens, and the ephemeral presence of water.

    Elizabeth Walsh

    The latest issue of Bound and Lettered, a quarterly journal that features articles on artist's books, bookbinding, papercrafts and calligraphy, Elizabeth’s artist book "Egyptian Hieroglyphics Revisited" is featured in the article, "Book Sisters 2023." The book is also part of this year’s PSBA Annual Members’ Exhibition.

     "Book Sisters" is a group of nine calligraphy artists from across the United States who have exchanged their editions of artists books with each other for several years. Each member creates an edition of nine books each year, then have an exchange in the fall. When the postman starts delivering these books, each with unusual bindings and handcrafted with beautiful calligraphic words, it's the best gift and makes each artist's hard work worth the effort.

    Jan Dove

    Jan is a recipient of this year’s Artist Trust SOLA awards! Learn more about the awards here. Congregations Jan!

    Other Book Arts Upcoming Events

    Movable Mayhem: Pop-Up Books through the Ages: July 7, 2:00 PM, Online. 

    From the event website: “Renaissance pop-up book expert Suzanne Karr Schmidt will walk us through her most recent Newberry Library exhibition and related recent acquisitions, in a look at the long history of the movable book from the twelfth century to the present.”

    For additional information and to register, click here.

    Guild of Book Workers Scholarships: This group offers scholarships to attend the Standards of Excellence in Hand Bookbinding seminar. Scholarships are available for both students and regular members. Non-members may apply, but are required to become a member prior to attending the Seminar. The scholarship consists of a waiver of registration fees, lodging costs for four nights at the conference hotel, and the cost of the Saturday evening banquet dinner. The lodging costs covered do not include hotel parking, phone calls, movie rentals, or any other room services. Tour costs are not covered by the scholarship. The GBW Treasurer will reserve a room for each recipient at the conference hotel. Recipients are responsible for making their own travel plans. Scholarship recipients will be asked to volunteer a small amount of their time during the seminar to assist the event organizers, presenters, or other GBW volunteers.

    Please direct questions to Todd Pattison, at vicepresident@guildofbookworkers.org. To apply please visit: https://guildofbookworkers.org/standards-excellence-2024. 

    Applications are due by July 15.                                                                                                                                        

    Summer Printmaking and Book Arts Classes at Community Print

    Community Print released their schedule of summer classes, and there's a lot to look forward to! Visit our website to register at https://www.community-print.org/classes

    Upcoming classes include:

    July 20: Drypoint on Plastic with Diana Fairbanks

    July 26: Gelli Roll Fridays

    July 27 or July 28: Introduction to Risograph

    August 10: Introduction to Letterpress

    August 17: Whole Cloth Patterning and Printing with Faith Hagenhofer

    September 15: Keepsake Journals with René Westbrook

    Call for Member News

    Are you planning a special event or workshop? Have you recently presented your work at a Conference or event? Is your work included in an exhibition?

    If you would like to share information, please send your submission to Julia.stringfellow@cwu.edu by Friday, July 26. Subject line should read: PSBA Member News. The August newsletter will be sent out to the membership early that month.

    Call to Share Upcoming Events

    Do you have an upcoming event that you are holding or participating in? Let us know! Email psba.public.relations@pugetsoundbookartists.org to add it to the calendar.


    Your PSBA Board

  • 29 Jul 2024 3:18 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings PSBA members!

    Hope you will join us for the 13th Annual Members’ Exhibition and Events!

    Image courtesy of Kat Gower, Drifting Shifting Place and Time.

    Greetings from Your PSBA President

     Dear Friends,

    PSBA participated in the Wayzgoose festival the first weekend in May, and it was really a good time. The hundreds of people who passed our table seemed to think so. We made many friends and raised over $900! I hope you all got to be there. It was great to see the many different uses being made of printmaking media and to try a few ourselves. Kids and adults both seemed to enjoy making a small book at our table. I have to thank the members who volunteered to help at our table; they were certainly kept busy. They were:

    Carlie Schultz

    Belinda Hill

    Tori Bell

    Becky Frehse

    Kim Izenman

    Debbi Greenwood

    Lucia Harrison

    and, of course, Peter Newland and Robyn Johnson

    And thanks to our volunteers who represented PSBA at the Seattle Art Book Fair:  LeeAnne Campos, Esther Ervin and Debra Revere. Details from this great event are shared below.


    Sally Alger, PSBA President

     Upcoming Events

    13th Annual PSBA Members’ Exhibition June 4, 2024–August 1, 2024:

    The opening reception for the annual PSBA Members' Exhibit will be on Thursday, June 6th from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the Collins Library, University of Puget Sound. Members and guests are invited to see the exhibit focused on this year's theme of Time Travel, which inspired many intriguing and wonderful artist boaoks. Awards will be announced at the reception in the following categories: Overall Excellence; Thematic Excellence; Most Innovative Book Structure; Most Original Writing and First-Time Entry. This is also your opportunity to pick up your full-color catalog of the exhibit, designed by Brenda Gallagher. Light refreshments will be served.

    Save the dates for the following free events which will accompany the exhibit:

          First open case event: Saturday, June 15, 2-4 pm, Collins Library

          Time Travel Art Workshop; Saturday, July 13, 10-11:30 am, on Zoom

          Second open case event: Tuesday, July 16, 1-3 pm, Collins Library

          Panel discussion, Fresh Perspectives in Book Arts, Wednesday, July 24, 12-1 pm with Catherine Alice Michaels, Alicia Bailey and Mari Eckstein Gower; moderated by Jane Carlin, on Zoom

    Further information on the exhibition and events is here.


    Poet Ray Prints Art Supply Swap at Community Print: June 29, 12:00pm-3:00pm.

    PSBA is teaming up with Community Print to offer a summer art supply swap. We are looking for donations of paper, printmaking supplies, bookbinding tools, and anything you can use to make a print, zine, or artist book. Bring your supplies to 414 Legion Way SE in downtown Olympia on June 29. Swap your wares with friends and community members, and take the opportunity to check out Community Print, Olympia's community-run letterpress and risograph studio. Remember to park on the street and not in the parking lot.

    To view this and all upcoming events and workshops at Community Print, go to https://www.community-print.org/events.


    The Art of Marbling Workshop: July 6, 7, Tacoma.

    PSBA is proud to sponsor renowned Italian artist Pietro Accardi for two rare marbling workshops in July. His classes in European marbling often sell out in San Francisco and at FOBA.

    Workshop Day 1: For those new to paper marbling or want a refresher.

    Workshop Day 2: For those who participate in Day 1 or have previous experience in paper marbling.

    Registration is here. A limited number of scholarships are available for registrants.


    PSBA 6th Annual Book Exchange, Date Coming Soon!

     Join us for the annual book exchange. This year’s theme is “Threads”. The theme was selected by majority vote of the members attending the PSBA annual meeting. There are many possibilities with the theme-- “thread the needle”, “threads of a river”, “threads of a life”, “threading your way through the maze”.  And, of course, there are endless ways to incorporate actual thread in your book!

    The rules are simple.  Create a book using the theme and at the in-person event scheduled in early October at Collins Library your name/book will be randomly paired with another participating artist. In exchange you receive a book from a randomly selected participating artist.  Books from the past years exchanges have been amazing! The registration form to participate will open later this summer. You do not need to attend the in-person exchange to participate.

    We hope you’ll feel inspired to join in.  It is an inspirational to see the books created with the theme and you will get to add a fabulous new book to your collection!

    For inspiration, visit the PSBA website to view images of the books from the past few years.

    Questions?  Contact Abbie Birmingham, abbiemi5274@gmail.com


    Focus on Books Arts Conference June 26-30 in Monmouth, OR,

    Registration is now open!

    FOBA's 2024 Conference is in Monmouth, Oregon June 26-30, 2024, and this year's theme is "interaction." Register and learn more about the conference here.


    Sharing about Recent PSBA Events

    PSBA at SABF, May 11th, 2024

    Members of the Puget Sound Book Artists exhibited at the Seattle Art Book Fair on Saturday, May 11th, 2024. The two-day event was held on a beautiful spring weekend at the historic Washington Hall in Seattle’s Central District. The 100+ year old building, where famous entertainers such as Duke Ellington, Billie Holliday, and Macklemore have appeared, was a labyrinth of stairways, interesting crannies, and crisp hardwood floors. Nearly 100 exhibitors’ tables, on three floors, displayed unique and creative works by talented book artists, clothing suppliers, printmakers, and much more. Debra Revere, Esther Ervin, and LeeAnne Campos represented PSBA at table 95 on the third-floor mezzanine overlooking a crowded second floor that bustled with activity. When the doors opened to the public at 11 AM, table 95 experienced a steady stream of curious attendees who were fascinated by the complexity and imaginative features of the beautifully handmade books from the PSBA collection. Many left the table with a PSBA brochure safely tucked into their pockets or bags. It was determined to be an excellent day of outreach. Written by LeeAnne Campos.


    May 19 Guided Tour of the Bloedel Reserve

    Members of PSBA joined with the William Morris Society on May 19th for a guided tour of the Bloedel Reserve.  We had the chance to learn about the history of the Reserve, tour the various garden areas and listen to local artist Pamela Wachtler, a 2023 Community Creative recipient whose work is inspired by the beauty of Bloedel and the floral designs of William Morris.


    Member News

    Marilyn Stablein:

    ·       Recent forthcoming or published illustrations, photography, and collage will appear in Orion MagazineThe Poetry Box, and Maintenant 18.

    ·       Summer Book Fairs: Marilyn will exhibit new and recent titles from Book Arts Editions as well as handmade, limited editions of collage books published in Ireland, and a new illustrated book published in Kathmandu, Nepal. Dates and locations are below.

    o   June 14, 2-8pm and June 15, 10 am-5pm. Rose City Book & Paper Fair, Booth # 6 B (with Anthology Booksellers), 1000 NE Multnomah Street (Doubletree Inn), Portland, Oregon.

    o   June 27-28, 5pm-6:30pm. Artist Book Fair at the Focus on Book Arts Conference (FOBA), 179 Broad Street S, Monmouth, Oregon (Monmouth University campus).

    o   June 29, 11am- 4pm. Honey Latte Indie Bookfair, Buckman 1033 SE Main St, Buckman neighborhood. 


    Sha Towers, Baylor University, and Jane Carlin, PSBA Board:

    Their published article appears in College & Research Libraries News titled "The Power of Artists' Books: Catalysts for Creative Thinking."  The article focuses on how artists' books are used in teaching  and in community engagement activities and exhibits at both Baylor University and the University of Puget Sound,  The article can be found at this weblink:  https://crln.acrl.org/index.php/crlnews/article/view/26335/34276.


    Carletta Carrington Wilson:

    Carletta debuts her new zine,kNot free kNot human at the Seattle Art Book Fair. 

    From the artist: “Interestingly, I was tabling right next to the Editions Studio where this work was born. It was even more interesting to learn how many vendors came from far and near to participate. Not only that, they will continue to travel from fair to fair all over the country. The crowd was multi-generational and multi-gendered.  What they had in common, however, were their interests in posters/prints, cards and small items. I never made it up to the PSBA table, however, one woman I had encouraged to join, a month or so ago, came to my table with one of the brochures!  Esther Ervin joined my at my table after her stint tabling for PSBA. Her presence was most welcomed!”


    Call for Member News

    Are you planning a special event or workshop? Have you recently presented your work at a Conference or event? Is your work included in an exhibition?

    If you would like to share information, please send your submission to Julia.stringfellow@cwu.edu by Wednesday, June 26. Subject line should read: PSBA Member News. The July

     newsletter will be sent out to the membership early that month.


    Call to Share Upcoming Events

    Do you have an upcoming event that you are holding or participating in? Let us know! Email psba.public.relations@pugetsoundbookartists.org to add it to the calendar.



    Your PSBA Board

  • 29 Jul 2024 3:12 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings PSBA members! Hope your Spring is going well!

    Image courtesy of Alicia Bailey.

    Greetings from Your PSBA President

    Dear Friends,

    Every year in the spring, PSBA rediscovers the pleasures of making and sharing books. In our annual Members’ Show at the University of Puget Sound Collins Library we show the pieces that our artists have created. The show will open June 4th with the opening reception on the 6th from 4:30- 5:30. And now it is a traveling show!. It will open at Evergreen in Olympia in September. 

    What are you working on? A journal, a gift, a book of popups, a special research project? An entertaining afternoon with a small child? Do you have ideas about what you would like to learn or share in the field of book arts? We on the board are interested in your ideas and opinions. You can contact us through our website: pugetsoundbookartists.wildapricot.org. and click on psbanews@gmail.com.

    Have a great, merry month of May.

    Sally Alger, PSBA President.

    Upcoming Events

    13th Annual PSBA Members’ Exhibition June 4, 2024–August 1, 2024:

    • A full color catalog will accompany the exhibit.
    • This year’s suggested theme is Time Travel. You’re free to travel backwards or forwards or even sideways in time. This can be a personal journey to the past or you can envision a whole world of the future. There are no limits to your imagination in interpreting this theme.
    • Further information is available on the exhibition website here.

    Volunteer opportunity for Wayzgoose 2024, May 3 and 4:Wayzgoose is a delightful festival, and we need PSBA volunteers to monitor our vendor tables. We need people for 2-hour shifts starting at around 10:45 a.m. there will be fun handmade books to show off, beautiful papers to sell, an easy “make and take” activity to hand out, and brochures to offer that tell about PSBA and book arts. You can read more about Wayzgoose at https://www.write253.com/tacoma-wayzgoose.

     If you are available for a 2-hour shift at any time during the two days, let Sally Alger know at sarah.alger2@gmail.com.

    On Seeing Nature: Migration Edition:Saturday, May 18, Walk-About 9-11:30AM and Art Presentation 1:30-3:30PM, Thompson Hall, University of Puget Sound.

    This event features award-winning artist and writer Molly Hashimoto.

    Questions? Contact Lucia Harrison at luciaharrison49@gmail.com.

     Registration Deadline is Friday, May 17th. Register here.

    Seattle Art Book Fair: May 11–12, Washington Hall at 153 14th Ave, Free.

    PSBA is also exhibiting at the second annual Seattle Art Book Fair. Members LeeAnne Campos, Esther Erving and Debra Revere will be representing PSBA on Saturday May 11th. The SABF is a free festival that celebrates publishing, book design and artists' books. The nonprofit event hosts local, national and international artists, designers, and organizations as well as talks and activities. Learn more by visiting the web site:  https://www.seattleartbookfair.org.

    Special Member Event - Celebrating Nature at the Bloedel Reserve

    Sunday, May 19, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM. PSBA in collaboration with the William Morris Society of the United States and the Bloedel Reserve is pleased to offer a guided tour of the Bloedel Reserve. This is also an opportunity to meet with artist Pamela Wachtler-Fermanis, a former creative resident whose artistry has been inspired by nature and William Morris. Morris, like many PSBA artists drew inspiration from the beauty of nature which is evident in his textiles, wallpaper and book designs. 

    This is a walking tour so it is important to feel comfortable walking for approx. 1.5 hours. There are no food services at the Reserve, but an informal gathering of participants will be arranged at the BIMA Bistro after the walk with the opportunity to view the great exhibitions. However, attendees may stay at the Reserve after our walk if they desire.

    Find out more about Bloedel by visiting the website:  https://bloedelreserve.org/.

    The tour will be given by Andre ten Dam, Director of Operations. Space is limited and registration will be handled via the Bloedel Reserve.  

    Therefore, if you are interested in joining this event, please email Jane Carlin, carlinjane@gmail.com, as soon as possible. Jane will provide you with the link to register for the event. The cost is $26.

    Focus on Books Arts Conference June 26-30 in Monmouth, OR,

    Registration is now open!

    FOBA's 2024 Conference is in Monmouth, Oregon June 26-30, 2024, and this year's theme is "interaction." Register and learn more about the conference here.

    Photos from the March Workshop: Make Your Own Bookcloth

    Thank you to instructor Rachel Watson and those who attended her workshop in March.! Images courtesy of Jessie Wing.

    Member News

    Jane Carlin and Mark Hoppmann are presenting a workshop at the Bainbridge Artist Resource Network (BARN) on June 1. The workshop runs from 9:30 to noon and you can find costs and registration information at this link: https://www.create.bainbridgebarn.org/AssnFe/ev.asp?ID=5319309.

    The workshop will focus on historic tools and processes. Get introduced to the history of printing and book construction through this workshop and conversation, as instructors share information about early writing practices and implements and showcase how they can be used in book design.

    You'll have the opportunity to examine many artifacts and tools, some close to 100 years old, including historic rubber artists stamps, feather quills, drafting tools, and even an early typewriter. You'll create our own bamboo pens and use them to make images to be embellished with gold leaf. You'll see examples of historic books, in addition to a number of reference books that are useful for book artists.

    And after the workshop - you could explore Bainbridge and even visit the Bainbridge Island Art Museum for a look at some wonderful bespoke books!

    Call for Member News

    Are you planning a special event or workshop? Have you recently presented your work at a Conference or event? Is your work included in an exhibition?

    If you would like to share information, please send your submission to Julia.stringfellow@cwu.edu by Sunday, Mayl 26. Subject line should read: PSBA Member News. The June newsletter will be sent out to the membership early that month.

    Call to Share Upcoming Events

    Do you have an upcoming event that you are holding or participating in? Let us know! Email psba.public.relations@pugetsoundbookartists.org to add it to the calendar.

    Book Arts Resources!

    2024 Artist Gap Grant Program. Video on how to apply is available here.


    Your PSBA Board

    Meet the Board members on the Contact Us webpage.

  • 29 Jul 2024 3:03 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings PSBA members! Happy Spring!

    Image courtesy of Mare Blocker.

    Greetings from Your PSBA President

    Hello, members and friends,

    Happy Spring. I know that many of us are busy working on our submissions for the 2024 Members’ Exhibition. We have already had some very useful events in conjunction with it; a presentation by Brenda Gallegher about taking photos and videos of our art, and one by Belinda Hill on the meaning and uses of QR codes. Always learning here!

    You will read about other good things coming up in this newsletter. Meanwhile, we are looking forward to seeing one another’s work for the Members’ Exhibition.

    Sally Alger, PSBA President

    Upcoming Events

    13th Annual PSBA Members’ Exhibition June 4, 2024–August 1, 2024:

    • Submissions are currently being accepted for book and postcard art. Visit the exhibition website to view the Call for Entries and Submission Guidelines.
    • The deadline for submission of artists' books is April 1, 2024, and postcards is May 1, 2024.
    • A full color catalog will accompany the exhibit.
    • A full color catalog will accompany the exhibit.
    • This year’s suggested theme is Time Travel. You’re free to travel backwards or forwards or even sideways in time. This can be a personal journey to the past or you can envision a whole world of the future. There are no limits to your imagination in interpreting this theme.

    The World Through Abby’s Eyes: This exhibit is currently on display though April 30, 2024, at Collins Library, University of Puget Sound. Works by Becky Frehse, Beverly Naidus, Debbi Commodore, Deborah Greenwood, Dorothy McCuistion, Gabby Cooksey, Jessica Spring, Lucia Harrison, MalPina Chan, Paige Pettibon, Victoria Björklund, Yoshi Nakagawa, and Yuka Petz. that focus on themes associated with the Tacoma artist Abby Williams Hill are on display.

    Click here for more information on the exhibit.

    Virtual Lunchtime Conversation with Mare Blocker: Thursday, April 11, Noon–1:00 PM, Zoom. We are delighted to welcome Mare Blocker to the PSBA Zoom Lunchtime Conversations. Her most recent exhibition at Pacific Lutheran University titled Shadowplay showcased her immense range of artistry and featured her recent explorations of light and shadow, tunnel books, and puppetry. Mare recently retired from PLU but continues her creative work through a variety of means from painting, drawing, book design and continuous teaching and learning. Her works are widely collected and her art inspires us to see the world through many lenses.

    Registration is required. Click here to register and for additional event details.

    Mining Your Personal Archive Workshops: Saturday, April 20, 1:00 PM–4:00 PM and Sunday, April 21, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM, In person at Becky Frehse's studio in Tacoma.

    Maureen Cummins is a nationally recognized book artist who is visiting our area this spring. This is a unique opportunity to work with a seasoned professional to learn more about her artistic practice and to explore ways you can reflect and "mine" your personal archives!

    PSBA Member Fee: $240 (includes material fee)

    Non-member Fee: $275 (includes material fee)

    Click here to register.

    A Book of Your Own (in-person events held at libraries in Whatcom County):

    • Saturday, April 27, 2024, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Deming Meeting Room, Deming. Register here.

    Have you ever wanted to make your very own book? PSBA is sponsoring a free workshop for adults. Book artist Fran McReynolds will guide you in learning the basic skills to make books without paste or glue. Learn the pamphlet stitch and simple folding techniques to create three small books as you use basic book arts tools and learn terminology. All levels of experience are welcome in this beginner course. Supplies are included. Space is limited.

    2024 Newport Paper and Books Arts Festival, April 11-13, Newport, OR: Event information and registration is here.

    Volunteer opportunity for Wayzgoose 2024, May 3 and 4:Wayzgoose is a delightful festival, and we need PSBA volunteers to monitor our vendor tables. We need people for 2-hour shifts starting at around 10:45 a.m. there will be fun handmade books to show off, beautiful papers to sell, an easy “make and take” activity to hand out, and brochures to offer that tell about PSBA and book arts. You can read more about Wayzgoose at https://www.write253.com/tacoma-wayzgoose.

     If you are available for a 2-hour shift at any time during the two days, let Sally Alger know at sarah.alger2@gmail.com.

    Special Member Event - Celebrating Nature at the Bloedel Reserve

    Sunday, May 19, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM. PSBA in collaboration with the William Morris Society of the United States and the Bloedel Reserve is pleased to offer a guided tour of the Bloedel Reserve. This is also an opportunity to meet with artist Pamela Wachtler-Fermanis, a former creative resident whose artistry has been inspired by nature and William Morris. Morris, like many PSBA artists drew inspiration from the beauty of nature which is evident in his textiles, wallpaper and book designs. 

    This is a walking tour so it is important to feel comfortable walking for approx. 1.5 hours. There are no food services at the Reserve, but an informal gathering of participants will be arranged at the BIMA Bistro after the walk with the opportunity to view the great exhibitions. However, attendees may stay at the Reserve after our walk if they desire.

    Find out more about Bloedel by visiting the website:  https://bloedelreserve.org/.

    The tour will be given by Andre ten Dam, Director of Operations. Space is limited and registration will be handled via the Bloedel Reserve.  

    Therefore, if you are interested in joining this event, please email Jane Carlin, carlinjane@gmail.com, as soon as possible. Jane will provide you with the link to register for the event. The cost is $26.

    Focus on Books Arts Conference June 26-30 in Monmouth, OR,

    Registration is now open!

    FOBA's 2024 Conference is in Monmouth, Oregon June 26-30, 2024, and this year's theme is "interaction." Register and learn more about the conference here.

    PSBA Calendar Coordinator Needed!

    PSBA is currently looking for someone to be our calendar coordinator. This is the person who sets up the calendar and registrations for our Wild Apricot website. If you are interested in learning about this and seeing a job description, please email PSBA President Sally Alger at sarah.alger2@gmail.com. We will get it to you ASAP.

    Life After a Workshop? How to carry on the creative energy and community!

    You know the feeling - you take a workshop and enjoy the camaraderie and energy of being together in a group, and then it's over! What happens when you return to your studio and try to make that special structure, do a print, or try a new technique? You might miss the close knit group of your workshop friends!

    PSBA is here to support you! If you take a workshop or perhaps have an idea to form a special interest group, we can support you. Lucia Harrison, Chair of the PSBA Outreach Committee, can offer advice on forming a special interest group. We can provide you with a list of local locations where you can meet. We will distribute your email invitation to the PSBA membership or to those individuals that were in a specific workshop.

    Many groups have developed organically over the last years as well as formed connections based on location. If you are interested in forming a special interest group, be sure to contact Lucia. We want to support our members!

    Member News

    Back to Front: Artists' Books by Women: Maier Museum of Art at Randolph College. Congratulations to the many PSBA members featured in this exhibition including Mare Blocker, Lisa Nasegawa, Catherine Alice Michaelis, Suzanne Moore, and Jessica Spring. Learn more about the exhibit at https://maiermuseum.org/112th-annual-exhibition/.

    Book Exchange 2024 Theme! The members at February’s annual meeting voted on the theme for this year’s book exchange, and the winner is Threads. Lots of potential to get the creative mojo moving - “threading the needle,” “threads of a story,” “clothing/garments/adornment,” “spider web threads,” etc. The idea behind the book exchange, now in its sixth year, is the opportunity to give a book and get a book in return. The pairings in the exchange are randomly selected at an in person meeting to be scheduled some time in early October at Collins Library. The books are very high quality, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to add to your personal collection and to be inspired by all the books included in the exchange. Examples of past book exchange books are found on the PSBA website, under the “Membership” tab. Details and a registration form will be included in upcoming newsletters. Questions? Feel free to reach out to Abbie Birmingham, abbiemi5274@gmail.com, the organizer for this year’s event.

    Call for Member News

    Are you planning a special event or workshop? Have you recently presented your work at a Conference or event? Is your work included in an exhibition?

    If you would like to share information, please send your submission to Julia.stringfellow@cwu.edu by Friday, April 26. Subject line should read: PSBA Member News. The May newsletter will be sent out to the membership early that month.

    Call to Share Upcoming Events

    Do you have an upcoming event that you are holding or participating in? Let us know! Email psba.public.relations@pugetsoundbookartists.org to add it to the calendar.

    Book Arts Resources!

    Books & Paper Arts Calendar Updates - March 2024, https://buttondown.email/BookAndPaperArtsCalendar/archive/books-paper-arts-calendar-updates-march-2024//


    Your PSBA Board

    Meet the Board members on the Contact Us webpage.

  • 1 Apr 2024 8:22 AM | Anonymous

    Greetings PSBA members! Hope this last part of Winter is going well!

    Greetings from Your PSBA President

    We have certainly started the year 2024! We had a wonderful salon in-person meeting, looking long and carefully at a beautiful collection of artist books. There was a very interesting presentation by Lynora Williams at our annual members’ meeting.  We had a good time making a few valentines in February. And we had a fascinating Lunchtime Zoom Conversation with the book artist and teacher Islam Aly speaking to us from Cairo, Egypt. 

    Now we look ahead to the month of March. If you check the PSBA calendar on our website, you will see that the 2024 Members Exhibition registration form is now live and there are several supportive events scheduled in conjunction with it. As the year proceeds you will find announcements of activities, big and small, light-hearted and deeply involving, coming up. That is: pugetsoundbookarts.wildapricot.org

    Do join us for some or all of these.

    Sally Alger, PSBA President

    Upcoming Events

    13th Annual PSBA Members’ Exhibition June 4, 2024–August 1, 2024:

    • ·       Submissions are currently being accepted for book and postcard art. Visit the exhibition website to view the Call for Entries and Submission Guidelines. The deadline for submission of artists' books is April 1, 2024, and of postcards is May 1, 2024. A full color catalog will accompany the exhibit.
    • ·       This year’s suggested theme is Time Travel. You’re free to travel backwards or forwards or even sideways in time. This can be a personal journey to the past or you can envision a whole world of the future. There are no limits to your imagination in interpreting this theme.
    • ·       There are two Zoom workshops in early March that will help members prepare for submission. Both workshops are free for members but registration is required. Register here.
    • o   Sunday, March 3, 1-2 pm: This year’s catalog designer Brenda Gallagher will offer advice on taking effective photographs of your artist's books.
    • o   Sunday, March 10, 1-2 pm: Belinda Hill will demystify the process of including a QR code with your submission.

    The World through Abby's Eyes: This exhibit is currently on display though April 30, 2024, at Collins Library, University of Puget Sound. Works by Becky Frehse, Beverly Naidus, Debbi Commodore, Deborah Greenwood, Dorothy McCuistion, Gabby Cooksey, Jessica Spring, Lucia Harrison, MalPina Chan, Paige Pettibon, Victoria Björklund, Yoshi Nakagawa, and Yuka Petz. that focus on themes associated with the Tacoma artist Abby Williams Hill are on display.

    To celebrate the artists and recognize International Women's Day, the Library will host an event on Friday, March 8 in the Tahoma Room, Thomas Hall at the University of Puget Sound from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.  Light refreshments will be served. All PSBA members are invited to attend.  

    Click here for more information on the exhibit.

    Lunchtime Conversation with Tia Blassingame, March 21, Noon-1pm, Zoom: Tia is an educator at Scripps College, founder of the Book/Print Artist/Scholar of Color Collective and recently returned from a fellowship at Oxford University. 

    Additional event information and registration is here.

    A Book of Your Own (in-person events held at libraries in Whatcom County):

    • Saturday, March 23, 2024, 11:00am-1:00pm, Ferndale Meeting Room, Ferndale. Register here.
    • Saturday, March 30, 2024, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Everson. Register here.
    • Saturday, April 27, 2024, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Deming Meeting Room, Deming. Register here.

    Have you ever wanted to make your very own book? PSBA is sponsoring a free workshop for adults. Book artist Fran McReynolds will guide you in learning the basic skills to make books without paste or glue. Learn the pamphlet stitch and simple folding techniques to create three small books as you use basic book arts tools and learn terminology. All levels of experience are welcome in this beginner course. Supplies are included. Space is limited.

    Making Your Own Bookcloth, Sunday, March 23, 1PM–3PM, In person at Becky Frehse’ studio in Tacoma: In this workshop, the student will learn instructor Rachel Watson’s process of making bookcloth. We'll start with commercial, iron-on, and rice-paste book cloth samples and discuss the similarities and differences. She will share the fabric that she had success with and some thoughts about her bookcloth failures.

    The class will go over her recipe for basic rice paste, prepping the kozo and fabric, and the steps to adhere the kozo and fabric together.

    Workshop fee: $20. Materials fee: $27 (paid at workshop).

    Registration is required. Register here.

    2024 Newport Paper and Books Arts Festival, April 11-13, Newport, OR: Event information and registration is here.

    Volunteer opportunity for Wayzgoose 2024, May 3 and 4:Wayzgoose is a delightful festival, and we need PSBA volunteers to monitor our vendor tables. We need people for 2-hour shifts starting at around 10:45 a.m. there will be fun handmade books to show off, beautiful papers to sell, an easy “make and take” activity to hand out, and brochures to offer that tell about PSBA and book arts. You can read more about Wayzgoose at https://www.write253.com/tacoma-wayzgoose.

     If you are available for a 2-hour shift at any time during the two days let Sally Alger know at sarah.alger2@gmail.com.

    Focus on Books Arts Conference June 26-30 in Monmouth, OR, Registration is now open!

    FOBA's 2024 Conference is in Monmouth, Oregon June 26-30, 2024, and this year's theme is "interaction." Register and learn more about the conference here.

    Member News

    Jan Dove and Lindsey Shepherd curated the exhibition Strong Together: An Artist Book Collaborative that features the work of 23 PSBA members and is currently at the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center until March 24. For more information go to https://pafac.org.

    Marilyn Stablein: 

    ·       Three of Marilyn’s artist books were represented in February at the CODEX International Book Arts Fair in Oakland, CA. “Himalayan Notebook” and “Elephant Chronicles,” both color editions featuring 40 of Marilyn’s collages, were exhibited at the booth of Red Fox Press, Ireland. The Nikokim Press from St. Petersburg booth featured a copy of Marilyn’s tale “The Rat Tavern” illustrated in a collectible edition of 12 signed and stitched copies by Dmitry Sayenko.

    • “Bingo Book,” a flag book made with vintage bingo cards is in the current exhibit of “The Illustrated Accordion Books” at the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center, in Kalamazoo, Michigan, through March 15.
    • Two books “Phantom Circus” and “The Company of Crows,” published by Book Arts Editions, Portland, OR have linocut covers printed on handmade paper by master artist Dmitry Sayenko. The exhibit Stronger Together featuring collaborative work, runs through March 24, 2024, at the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center.
    • A new book All Night, appears in the online exhibition “What Dreams are Made Of” hosted by the Focus on Book Arts conference to be held at Western Oregon University June 26-30, 2024. The accordion book features a climate poem set in the American Typewriter font, digitally printed on indigenous handmade eco-Nepalese lokta paper. The poem’s lines are cut, centered and collaged onto the pages. A gold ribbon tie closure is inspired by Tibetan sacred texts which are wrapped in a square of cloth with long fabric ties that are wound around the oblong book to close it.  https://focusonbookarts.org/maryilyn-stablein-all-night/.

    Poet Ray Prints: Community Print, Olympia's member-run and community-supported print studio and creative space, is offering upcoming classes on letterpress printing, reduction linocut, and ink mixing. Just curious about the space? Stop by for studio open hours or collage sessions. Check out all our upcoming classes and events by going to https://www.community-print.org/events

    Want to teach a class or get involved? Learn how to become a member of Community Print or other ways you can support.

    Amanda C. Roth Clark and Alicia Bailey: Printed Page IV opens March 28 at Spark Gallery in Denver, Colorado, and will remain on view through April 21, as part of Mo'Print, the bi-annual statewide celebration of printmaking. The exhibition includes work by 23 artists from throughout the United States who include traditional printmaking techniques in their artists' book works. 

    Selections were made by Amanda C. Clark, Dean of the Library at Whitworth University in Spokane Washington. Artists in the exhibition are Bug Karplus, Carrie Scanga, Casey Jay Gardner, Elisa Lanzi, Ellen Knudson, Heather Doyle-Maier, Jane Ewing, Joan Iversen Goswell, Julie Baugnet, Karen Baldner, Katherine Venturelli, Laurel Moorhead, Marnie Powers-Torrey, Naomi Velasquez, Patricia Dahlman, Ren Barnes, Rhiannon Alpers, Sarah Hulsey, Sara L. Press, Stephanie Smith, Tatiana Potts, Thomas Parker/ Mary Agnes Williams & Tom Virgin.

    Curated by Alicia Bailey, Director Abecedarian Artists’ Books.

    Call for Member News

    Are you planning a special event or workshop? Have you recently presented your work at a Conference or event? Is your work included in an exhibition?

    If you would like to share information, please send your submission to Julia.stringfellow@cwu.edu by Tuesday, March 26. Subject line should read: PSBA Member News. The April newsletter will be sent out to the membership early that month.

    Call to Share Upcoming Events

    Do you have an upcoming event that you are holding or participating in? Let us know! Email psba.public.relations@pugetsoundbookartists.org to add it to the calendar.

    About ZOOM!

    A few of you have indicated you have not been receiving the ZOOM links for the Lunchtime conversations even though you have registered.   We don't know the cause, but please note that the ZOOM links are sent 2 days in advance as well as the morning of the event and come from the Puget Sound Book Artists email. If you do not receive a link by the morning of the event, please email jcarlin@pugetsound.edu.


    Your PSBA Board

    Meet the Board members on the Contact Us webpage.

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Please contact us at info@pugetsoundbookartists.org  to learn more about the Puget Sound Book Artists or if you have a question about our organization!

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