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PSBA April Newsletter

29 Jul 2024 3:03 PM | Anonymous

Greetings PSBA members! Happy Spring!

Image courtesy of Mare Blocker.

Greetings from Your PSBA President

Hello, members and friends,

Happy Spring. I know that many of us are busy working on our submissions for the 2024 Members’ Exhibition. We have already had some very useful events in conjunction with it; a presentation by Brenda Gallegher about taking photos and videos of our art, and one by Belinda Hill on the meaning and uses of QR codes. Always learning here!

You will read about other good things coming up in this newsletter. Meanwhile, we are looking forward to seeing one another’s work for the Members’ Exhibition.

Sally Alger, PSBA President

Upcoming Events

13th Annual PSBA Members’ Exhibition June 4, 2024–August 1, 2024:

  • Submissions are currently being accepted for book and postcard art. Visit the exhibition website to view the Call for Entries and Submission Guidelines.
  • The deadline for submission of artists' books is April 1, 2024, and postcards is May 1, 2024.
  • A full color catalog will accompany the exhibit.
  • A full color catalog will accompany the exhibit.
  • This year’s suggested theme is Time Travel. You’re free to travel backwards or forwards or even sideways in time. This can be a personal journey to the past or you can envision a whole world of the future. There are no limits to your imagination in interpreting this theme.

The World Through Abby’s Eyes: This exhibit is currently on display though April 30, 2024, at Collins Library, University of Puget Sound. Works by Becky Frehse, Beverly Naidus, Debbi Commodore, Deborah Greenwood, Dorothy McCuistion, Gabby Cooksey, Jessica Spring, Lucia Harrison, MalPina Chan, Paige Pettibon, Victoria Björklund, Yoshi Nakagawa, and Yuka Petz. that focus on themes associated with the Tacoma artist Abby Williams Hill are on display.

Click here for more information on the exhibit.

Virtual Lunchtime Conversation with Mare Blocker: Thursday, April 11, Noon–1:00 PM, Zoom. We are delighted to welcome Mare Blocker to the PSBA Zoom Lunchtime Conversations. Her most recent exhibition at Pacific Lutheran University titled Shadowplay showcased her immense range of artistry and featured her recent explorations of light and shadow, tunnel books, and puppetry. Mare recently retired from PLU but continues her creative work through a variety of means from painting, drawing, book design and continuous teaching and learning. Her works are widely collected and her art inspires us to see the world through many lenses.

Registration is required. Click here to register and for additional event details.

Mining Your Personal Archive Workshops: Saturday, April 20, 1:00 PM–4:00 PM and Sunday, April 21, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM, In person at Becky Frehse's studio in Tacoma.

Maureen Cummins is a nationally recognized book artist who is visiting our area this spring. This is a unique opportunity to work with a seasoned professional to learn more about her artistic practice and to explore ways you can reflect and "mine" your personal archives!

PSBA Member Fee: $240 (includes material fee)

Non-member Fee: $275 (includes material fee)

Click here to register.

A Book of Your Own (in-person events held at libraries in Whatcom County):

  • Saturday, April 27, 2024, 1:00pm-3:00pm, Deming Meeting Room, Deming. Register here.

Have you ever wanted to make your very own book? PSBA is sponsoring a free workshop for adults. Book artist Fran McReynolds will guide you in learning the basic skills to make books without paste or glue. Learn the pamphlet stitch and simple folding techniques to create three small books as you use basic book arts tools and learn terminology. All levels of experience are welcome in this beginner course. Supplies are included. Space is limited.

2024 Newport Paper and Books Arts Festival, April 11-13, Newport, OR: Event information and registration is here.

Volunteer opportunity for Wayzgoose 2024, May 3 and 4:Wayzgoose is a delightful festival, and we need PSBA volunteers to monitor our vendor tables. We need people for 2-hour shifts starting at around 10:45 a.m. there will be fun handmade books to show off, beautiful papers to sell, an easy “make and take” activity to hand out, and brochures to offer that tell about PSBA and book arts. You can read more about Wayzgoose at

 If you are available for a 2-hour shift at any time during the two days, let Sally Alger know at

Special Member Event - Celebrating Nature at the Bloedel Reserve

Sunday, May 19, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM. PSBA in collaboration with the William Morris Society of the United States and the Bloedel Reserve is pleased to offer a guided tour of the Bloedel Reserve. This is also an opportunity to meet with artist Pamela Wachtler-Fermanis, a former creative resident whose artistry has been inspired by nature and William Morris. Morris, like many PSBA artists drew inspiration from the beauty of nature which is evident in his textiles, wallpaper and book designs. 

This is a walking tour so it is important to feel comfortable walking for approx. 1.5 hours. There are no food services at the Reserve, but an informal gathering of participants will be arranged at the BIMA Bistro after the walk with the opportunity to view the great exhibitions. However, attendees may stay at the Reserve after our walk if they desire.

Find out more about Bloedel by visiting the website:

The tour will be given by Andre ten Dam, Director of Operations. Space is limited and registration will be handled via the Bloedel Reserve.  

Therefore, if you are interested in joining this event, please email Jane Carlin,, as soon as possible. Jane will provide you with the link to register for the event. The cost is $26.

Focus on Books Arts Conference June 26-30 in Monmouth, OR,

Registration is now open!

FOBA's 2024 Conference is in Monmouth, Oregon June 26-30, 2024, and this year's theme is "interaction." Register and learn more about the conference here.

PSBA Calendar Coordinator Needed!

PSBA is currently looking for someone to be our calendar coordinator. This is the person who sets up the calendar and registrations for our Wild Apricot website. If you are interested in learning about this and seeing a job description, please email PSBA President Sally Alger at We will get it to you ASAP.

Life After a Workshop? How to carry on the creative energy and community!

You know the feeling - you take a workshop and enjoy the camaraderie and energy of being together in a group, and then it's over! What happens when you return to your studio and try to make that special structure, do a print, or try a new technique? You might miss the close knit group of your workshop friends!

PSBA is here to support you! If you take a workshop or perhaps have an idea to form a special interest group, we can support you. Lucia Harrison, Chair of the PSBA Outreach Committee, can offer advice on forming a special interest group. We can provide you with a list of local locations where you can meet. We will distribute your email invitation to the PSBA membership or to those individuals that were in a specific workshop.

Many groups have developed organically over the last years as well as formed connections based on location. If you are interested in forming a special interest group, be sure to contact Lucia. We want to support our members!

Member News

Back to Front: Artists' Books by Women: Maier Museum of Art at Randolph College. Congratulations to the many PSBA members featured in this exhibition including Mare Blocker, Lisa Nasegawa, Catherine Alice Michaelis, Suzanne Moore, and Jessica Spring. Learn more about the exhibit at

Book Exchange 2024 Theme! The members at February’s annual meeting voted on the theme for this year’s book exchange, and the winner is Threads. Lots of potential to get the creative mojo moving - “threading the needle,” “threads of a story,” “clothing/garments/adornment,” “spider web threads,” etc. The idea behind the book exchange, now in its sixth year, is the opportunity to give a book and get a book in return. The pairings in the exchange are randomly selected at an in person meeting to be scheduled some time in early October at Collins Library. The books are very high quality, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to add to your personal collection and to be inspired by all the books included in the exchange. Examples of past book exchange books are found on the PSBA website, under the “Membership” tab. Details and a registration form will be included in upcoming newsletters. Questions? Feel free to reach out to Abbie Birmingham,, the organizer for this year’s event.

Call for Member News

Are you planning a special event or workshop? Have you recently presented your work at a Conference or event? Is your work included in an exhibition?

If you would like to share information, please send your submission to by Friday, April 26. Subject line should read: PSBA Member News. The May newsletter will be sent out to the membership early that month.

Call to Share Upcoming Events

Do you have an upcoming event that you are holding or participating in? Let us know! Email to add it to the calendar.

Book Arts Resources!

Books & Paper Arts Calendar Updates - March 2024,


Your PSBA Board

Meet the Board members on the Contact Us webpage.

Please contact us at  to learn more about the Puget Sound Book Artists or if you have a question about our organization!

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