Puget Sound Book Artists 13th Annual Members' Exhibition 2024: Time Travel
Evergreen State College, Daniel J. Evans Library
September 29 – December 13, 2024
Playful and profound, the Puget Sound Book Artists 13th Annual Members’ Exhibition on the theme of Time Travel will be shown at The Evergreen State College Library, in Olympia, from September 29–December 13, 2024. On display will be a total of fifty-five artist books from forty-two different artists representing all parts of the Puget Sound and the western United States. Ann Storey, exhibit team chair, stated:
“It is always a wonderful surprise to see how creative people interpret and play with an exhibit theme. The topic of Time Travel seemed to be especially resonant and sparked imaginative leaps across both time and space. After our recent experience of lock-down, when we couldn’t travel physically but managed to travel metaphorically, and when we confronted time in the form of facing our mortality, we have such interesting ideas to draw from in creating the artist books in this show.”
The books in this exhibition celebrate the beauty, strength, and grace of our ancestors, question and celebrate our relationship with the natural world, challenge received wisdom, commemorate ancient art, and preserve memories.
An open case event, where you will be able to hear from the artists will be held on Oct. 20 from 1-3 in the Evans Library at The Evergreen State College.
For more information, please contact Ray Zill at Ray.Zill@evergreen.edu or Lucia Harrison at luciaharrison49@gmail.com
Please contact us at info@pugetsoundbookartists.org to learn more about the Puget Sound Book Artists or if you have a question about our organization!