Q: Tell us about a book that has special meaning to you.
I was intrigued by the story of the WWI Royal Navy ploy to paint the ships in bizarre abstract stripes and swirls, which served to distract the enemy who couldn’t figure out the size or direction of the ships because of the graphics.
This tactic was influenced by the artist Georges Braque. I was so taken with this story I made an artist book for one of our members’ exhibits. The photo bottom left is a Dazzle ship and on the bottom right is my interpretation.
Q: Who are the artists who influenced your work?
Paul Klee, Georges Seurat to start. I’m drawn to the art of the Southwest like Jim Waid’s work, and I love Native American art—in particular, Navajo artist, Emmi Whitehorse. I just completed a book I’ve been working on for awhile based on a Navajo prayer.
Closer to home I’ve been inspired, influenced and helped by our own PSBA artists, in particular Deborah Greenwood, Lucia Harrison and Dorothy McCuistion.
Q: Well, speaking of PSBA, how did you come to join?
It began with a yoga class acquaintanceship with Dorothy McCuistion. We chatted, the way people do, and she invited me to some Tacoma events and then to a PSBA exhibition. I was hooked. I joined in 2014, back when the annual meetings were in person. After awhile I volunteered to be on the curatorial committee, and then I did it again and again. Eventually I joined the board. I continue to be impressed with the creativity of our members, but also how generous people are in helping those who are just beginning their art practice. Thank you, Dorothy.
Q: Tell us about your workspace.
My space is very simple. The studio is a 10’ x 10’ bedroom with one large table and one small table. There’s no complicated equipment. I do have a 1’ x 1’ handmade paper press. The workspace in our home in Arizona is a bit smaller because it also serves as a guest room with a Murphy bed.
Q: This might be the time to ask you if you have a work motto, because we had a good chat about this.
Limitations free you up! And this is not just in making art.
Q: Describe your perfect day.
It begins with coffee. Yes! And then a walk. When I return home I begin my art practice, which ideally lasts about three hours. In the afternoon I read, and then in the evening relax—either staying home or seeing friends. This is my ordinary day and my perfect day—back to limitations being freeing.
Q: What is your next project?
Immediately, I’m working on some postcards. In the back of my mind I’m thinking about the theme for next year’s exhibit, “Field Work.” I’m quite excited about this theme; it seems very accessible. Starting this month, I’ll be chairing the Program Committee and I’m really looking forward to that.
Q: Lastly, how will you appear in the next life?
As a playful sea otter.
begin a new series of spotlight interviews featuring PSBA members. To
kick off the first spotlight, we talked to Sally Alger, our outgoing
board president. Sally and Diane Miller met in a noisy cafe in
mid-December to talk about books, the role art has played in her life,
and of course, PSBA.
Q: How did you discover book arts?
Sally: In 1968, Dave and I, newlyweds and fresh out of college, moved to Chicago where he was studying for the ministry. As you can
imagine this was a watershed period in our personal history as well as
the country’s. Chicago was my first experience where I felt art was all
around me.
worked as a librarian in the Lincoln Park Library, part of the Chicago
Public Library system. I was responsible for Children’s Books as well as
the art displays. I think that’s where I began my own art practice,
with Nicolaides’ The Natural Way to Draw.
arts came a little later but I could see what I was drawn to in
children’s books like Where the Wild Things Are and my favorite, Rain
Makes Applesauce.
Please contact us at info@pugetsoundbookartists.org to learn more about the Puget Sound Book Artists or if you have a question about our organization!