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  • Gathered From the Field: Suze Woolf Zoom Presentation

Gathered From the Field: Suze Woolf Zoom Presentation

  • 10 Sep 2020
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Zoom


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Gathered From The Field

We are pleased to present a virtual art exhibit from PSBA Member

Suze Woolf

September 10, 2020, 4:00 – 5:30 PM

Suze Woolf:      Bark Beetle Book Volume XXVII: Survivorship


In this virtual exhibit, Suze Woolf will present her part in the exhibit, “Gathered from the field: art provoked by climate research”, which was installed in mid-March 2020 at University of Puget Sound’s Kittredge Gallery. As of early August, it’s still there. By the time of the intended opening on March 26, the coronavirus had shut down all events and facilities.

Much climate research has concerned atmospheric data contained in glacial ice. The exhibit featured a major installation by artist Anna McKee following her many years of field collaboration with glaciologists. It also featured 30 of Suze Woolf’s artist books made from bark-beetle-damaged wood. Like retreating ice, bark beetle outbreaks are a consequence of rising temperatures. Similarly, she has been working with foresters and entomologists for years.

About Suze Woolf:
Suze Woolf’s work is about human relationships to nature. She explores a range of media from painting, paper-casting and artist books to pyrography and installation--sometimes all together!

She has exhibited throughout Washington but also in Utah, British Columbia, Maryland, California, Colorado, Oklahoma and Washington DC. Her work is in regional public collections as well as many private ones. She has received awards from many arts organizations including Artist Trust, Shunpike and MadArt; artist residencies in Zion, Glacier, Capitol Reef and North Cascades National Parks, the Grand Canyon Trust; and art colonies such as the Banff Centre, the Vermont Studio Center, Willowtail Springs Nature Preserve, Jentel, Playa Summer Lake, Centrum and The Mineral School.

Prior to the event, we will send you an email invitation with information on how to join the zoom meeting. Registration is free and required so that you receive the presentation zoom link. Guests are welcome so invite your friends! To register click here.

Questions? Contact, Dorothy McCuistion: dorothymcc@nventure.com

Please contact us at info@pugetsoundbookartists.org  to learn more about the Puget Sound Book Artists or if you have a question about our organization!

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