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  • Art in 1000 Cuts: The Path of the Blade

Art in 1000 Cuts: The Path of the Blade

  • 22 Aug 2019
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Collins Library, Room 053, the University of Puget Sound
  • 3


  • We are asking you to register to assure there is adequate seating for those who wish to attend.

Registration is closed

Art in 1000 Cuts: The Path of the Blade

Presentation by Béatrice Coron

August 22, 2019  4:00-5:30pm

Collins Library, Room 053

the University of Puget Sound

Registration Required: Seating Limit: 45

Registration opens August 2

Béatrice Coron will introduce the many facets of contemporary paper cutting as well as her artist’s journey in visual storytelling.
From the historical roots of this art form to a panorama of international artists. This simple media took her from illustration to artist books, public art and animation. She will demonstrate its endless possibilities and applications where there is no limit but your imagination.

Béatrice Coron  explores visual storytelling in artist books, paper cutting,  public art and wearable sculptures. Her cut designs are made of paper, glass or metal from small to monumental. Her work can be seen in major collections such as the Metropolitan Museum, The Getty, the Walker and her public art includes in subway stations in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

Listen to her unusual story on TED.



An important note to share with everyone is that we may be requiring advance registration for some of our lectures.  We have noticed a growing popularity in our events and we want to assure we have enough seating for our events.  In addition, we need to comply with fire and safety standards.  So don’t be surprised if you are asked to register in advance for upcoming lectures.  It is our way to making sure we can be sure we can offer you a positive experience.

Please contact us at info@pugetsoundbookartists.org  to learn more about the Puget Sound Book Artists or if you have a question about our organization!

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