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9th Annual PSBA Members ExhibitionSubmission Deadline

  • 10 Apr 2019

9th Annual Members Exhibition

June 1 - July 31, 2019

Call for Entries

As a member of the PSBA, you are invited to participate in the 9th annual exhibition. All members who submit work will be represented by a minimum of one book. The exhibition takes place at Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound.

Reflections on Accomplishments

As we approach the tenth anniversary of the PSBA Members’ Exhibition, we’d like to take the opportunity to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished: the projects that turned out better than we’d hoped; the books that won awards; the structures we never thought we’d get right but finally did; the first time we tried a new binding; and the things we managed to finish even though life seemed to continually be in the way. Whether it’s how far you’ve come, where you started, or somewhere in between, we want to celebrate what you’ve managed to accomplish as a book artist. We will accept new work as well as work previously shown in a PSBA exhibit before 2016.

Please take time to review the information on what will be required on the entry form, as this year’s theme will affect the artist statement needed for each work.

Important dates

Submission Start: Early February 

Photography Day: March 2nd, 2019

Submission Deadline: April 10, 2019

Notice of Acceptance: April 19, 2019

Submission Drop Off: May 29, 2019

Exhibit Opens: June 1, 2019

Conversation with the Artists: TBA
Moderated Panel Discussion: TBA

Opening Reception: June 6, 2019

Exhibit Ends: July 31, 2019

Submission Pick Up: August 1, 2019

Peoples’ Choice Awards

As we will be allowing previously submitted works (including ones that have already won awards) as well as new work for this exhibit, there will be no juried awards this year. Note: the usual cost of honorariums will be applied towards the symposium later this year.

Instead, we will be awarding people’s choice awards in four separate categories. Voting will run through the duration of the exhibit. The winners will be acknowledged at the end of the submission pick up event. The categories will be:

Technical Skill/Structure

The book is well made, or employs a new or interesting structure or combination of structures.


The subject matter of the book is compelling, takes risks, or opens the viewer up to new ideas.


The art, images, or typography is masterfully done and visually striking.

Emotional Response

The work speaks to the viewer, or they just like it.

General submission information

Eligible Media

Artist books may employ any medium or structure created as either an editioned or a one-of-a kind book. Sculptural books, book objects, tunnel books, pop-ups or pop-outs, books with pull-tabs or flaps, altered books and many other structures or combinations of structures are encouraged.

Criteria for Submission

·         Artist must be a current member of PSBA. *

·         Submitted entries may not have been exhibited in a previous PSBA annual exhibit within the past 3 years (works submitted to the 2015 exhibit or earlier are acceptable.)

·         A $10 entry fee is payable upon submitting your entry/entries (see below.)

*Not a PSBA member? Apply online at https://pugetsoundbookartists.wildapricot.org/Membership If you are unsure of your current membership status contact the Membership Secretary at psbanews@gmail.com.

Call for entry payment

Upon submission of your entry, send a $10 check payable to PSBA to Lucia Harrison, at the address provided. A $10 entry fee covers one, two or three books.

Lucia Harrison

Treasurer, PSBA

4918 N. Lexington

Tacoma, WA 98407

Entry forms

How to Submit Your Entries

Submission is by online form, which includes sections for up to three artworks.

Here is the link to the online entry form, which will be available in early February 2019:


Entry Completion Tips

  • ·         Use the Entry Form Assistant at the end of this prospectus, which will help you gather all the required information before you begin the online form.
  • ·         Correctly size, edit and name your selected images.
  • ·         The entry form will only accept jpg files. If you have uploaded an incorrect file type, your entry will not be accepted when you take the final step and click "submit." You will be redirected back to correct the error.
  • ·         Prepare your narrative responses in a word processing program. This will allow you to utilize the spell-check and character count features of that program.
  • ·         Several of the entry form fields have limited character space allotted (they are clearly marked). A blank space is counted as a character.
  • ·         The on-line form contains a convenient “save and resume later” feature.

Be aware your entry form is not submitted until you get to the “Final Step” page and click the submit button. It may take up to several minutes for the submitted form to process.


·         Submitted images must be of high quality, high resolution, and print ready to enable good reproduction.

·         You can submit up to three digital photographs (jpg) of each book you are entering in the show. We suggest 300 ppi (pixels per inch) images that are no longer than 7 inches in the longest dimension.

·         Books must be photographed on a neutral gray background. Only one view per image: composite images are not acceptable. The maximum upload size is 25MB per entry (not per image).

·         Your digital picture files should correspond to the following naming convention (depending on the number of entries you submit (your last name, not the book title):

o   Entry #1 - yourlastname01a.jpg, yourlastname01b.jpg, yourlastname01c.jpg

o   Entry #2 - yourlastname02a.jpg, yourlastname02b.jpg, yourlastname02c.jpg

o   Entry #3 - yourlastname03a.jpg, yourlastname03b.jpg, yourlastname03c.jpg

·         For additional information on preparing your images for submission we suggest visiting 23Sandy Gallerys blog where Laura Russell has written a helpful three-part series. Link to Part One of the Laura Russell series: http://23sandy.com/works/blog-postings/photographing-your-artist-books-part-i

Note on Use of Images

Entering this exhibition constitutes agreement that Puget Sound Book Artists may use your images for publicity purposes in either electronic or print format. Physical and digital exhibit catalogs will be produced and available for purchase. Appropriate attribution will be included. Images may also be included in online documentation of the exhibit developed by Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound.

Insurance Waiver and Delivery of Works

The completed insurance waiver must be submitted online or be delivered to the Library Administration Office, Collins Memorial Library at University of Puget Sound on or before delivery day of May 29, 2019. The books will be displayed in cases at the Collins Memorial Library, unless mutually agreed upon by the artist and the curators.

Link to Insurance waiver:


If you are mailing your work please contact the curators for arrangements. All shipping and shipping insurance costs to and from the library are the responsibility of the artist.

Entry Form Assistant

To make it easy on yourself, edit and name your images and gather all of the following information prior to opening and entering your entry/entries into Formstack.

Personal Information

Starred fields are required.

·         *Name

·         *Address

·         *Primary phone number

·         Secondary phone number

·         *Email

·         *Do you want your email listed in the catalog?

·         Website (optional)

·         Press name (optional)

·         Personal Artist Statement (optional):  The what, how and why you do what you do. This is a reflection on your work as a whole and/or your approach. Please write in the third person and carefully edit and spell check. (400 characters with spaces)

·         *Use of Artist statement

·         *Number of works being submitted

Entry Information (for works #1-#3)

NOTE ON NUMBERING: In the case of space or other limitations, all three of your entries may not be exhibited. A minimum of one entry per member is guaranteed. Entry #1 should be your first choice to be in the exhibit, #2 your second choice and #3 your third choice. The curators will do their best to honor your priorities.

PLEASE NOTE: In reflection of this year’s theme, the artist statement for each work will be different from usual. Please provide a statement written in 1st person explaining what it is about your work that makes it an accomplishment to you.

Starred fields are required.

·         *Title of book

·         *Structure/Medium/Materials in list format (200 character limit—includes spaces)

o    The suggested order for listing your materials as applicable is as follows: book structure, paper type(s), paint/ink type + method of application (i.e. hand painted acrylic), other embellishments (i.e. beads, metal), binding materials, box/container type, materials used for box/container

·         *Number of pages in book

·         *Height (inches, decimals)

·         *Width (inches, decimals)

·         *Depth (inches, decimals)

·         If this is an accordion book, length (inches, decimal) when open or stretched out

·         *Year created

·         *This work is—select “unique” or “edition”

o    If this is an edition, what is the size?

·         *Artist Statement about this work for the catalog. (600 character limit—includes spaces)

·         *Artist Statement about this work for the exhibition label. (400 character limit—includes spaces)

·         Optional traditional Artist Statement written in 3rd person to be included in a separate binder to accompany the exhibit. (600 character limit—includes spaces)

·         *Photographs by - Ross Mulhausen for the PSBA photo session, “by artist” if photographed by you, or other name if not.

·         Upload up to 3 images per entry - see Image section above for image requirements and tips.

·         *May your work be carefully handled with supervision of the curators during an open display case event/Artist Conversation event? Hand wipes will be used.

The Curator Team

Need help or have questions?

Contact the curators at: psbaexhibition2018@gmail.com

Meet the 2019 Curators

Kat Gower (lead curator) is a book artist working from her hometown of Redmond, WA. With a background in creative writing and a degree in anthropology, she focuses on an interdisciplinary approach to exploring the form and sculptural possibilities of books as art and how they contribute to the meaning of the piece.

Deborah Greenwood is a working artist living in Tacoma. Her creative practice includes book arts, collage and papermaking. She is a founding member of the Puget Sound Book Artists and currently the President of the organization.  Her books are in private, University Library and Museum collections.

Bonnie Larson, a book artist, calligrapher and watercolor artist, serves on the Puget Sound Book Artist's board as recording secretary. She has submitted works in every Members' Exhibition except two, and has shown and sold several paintings. She continues to perfect her calligraphy skills.

Mari Eckstein Gower is an artist and writer living in Redmond, WA. She creates unique and limited edition artist books, which incorporate her background and interest in the humanities. Her books are in private and University library collections in the USA and Canada.

Please contact us at info@pugetsoundbookartists.org  to learn more about the Puget Sound Book Artists or if you have a question about our organization!

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