What's A QR Code and
Why Do I Need to Know?
Sunday, March 10, 1:00 PM–2:00 PM
via Zoom
This is a Free Event, but Registration is Required!
In this one hour Zoom workshop Belinda will teach PSBA members how to create a QR code for your exhibit entry. Using a QR code is a way for viewers to learn more about the books in the exhibit since so many of them have more text or structure than can be seen in the case. This is a chance for you to add that extra information, such as an audio recording of you reading the text, a video of the book being opened, or other added information that won't fit on the label or in the catalog. Note that the event is free but you must register to participate.
Instructor Bio: Belinda Hill is a book artist, teacher and board member of PSBA. She is a supportive and enthusiastic teacher, who loves to share her knowledge and expertise.
Questions? Contact Ann Storey aelizabeth.storey@gmail.com
Please contact us at info@pugetsoundbookartists.org to learn more about the Puget Sound Book Artists or if you have a question about our organization!