PSBA Meet and Greet
Wednesday August 21, 2024 12:00 - 1:30 pm
Bainbridge BARN
Bonnie Julien and Jane Carlin, along with members of the BARN Print and Book Arts Studio
Presenter Bio: Bonnie Julien is the PSBA member that started our annual book exchange. Over the years, she has participated in a number of book exchanges, many with the NORBAG organization: North Redwoods Book Arts Guild. Bonnie has generously gifted some of her books to Collins Library and this spring donated a "treasure trove" of exchange books to BARN to serve as inspiration to artists.
Event Description: This is an informal gathering to view the amazing, whimsical, fun, and inspiring exchange books gifted to BARN from Bonnie and to learn about her experiences with NORBAG and book exchanges. We will have lemonade and cookies on hand and plan brief remarks at 12:30. We also encourage all attendees to bring your own inspiration book for display.
Also a reminder that BIMA has a wonderful book arts exhibit on display: A Radical Alteration: Women's Studio Workshop as a Sustainable Model for Art Making. BIMA is just a short drive from BARN, so even if you are not from Kitsap or close to Bainbridge, think of a great day out!
PSBA thanks BARN for supporting this collaborative meeting. Learn more about BARN membership by visiting the homepage.
Questions? Contact Jane Carlin
Please contact us at to learn more about the Puget Sound Book Artists or if you have a question about our organization!