Delivery of Work
Collins Library
the University of Puget Sound,
August 6th
Due to covid restrictions on the campus please bring your pieces to the loading dock on the East side of the Collins library. We will meet you there to receive your work. The loading dock access is around on the righthand side as you face the main entrance to the Library. If you care to use it there is also a visitors’ parking lot (#5) at 18th and Warner streets that is very near the loading dock.
The Collins Memorial Library requires that you complete and submit the online Loan Display Agreement by the date of dropoff. It can be accessed and completed at https://www2.pugetsound.edu/academics/academic-resources/collins-memorial-library/loan-display-agreement-form/
Entrants who wish to mail their pieces, please follow these instructions:
If using USPS, please use USPS packaging wherever possible, and arrange for insurance and tracking.
Please put your return address on the box, even if there are metered delivery labels affixed by the carrier.
Address to:
University of Puget Sound Library
1500 North Warner Street, CMB-1021
Attn: Jamie Spaine: PSBA Exhibition
Tacoma, WA 98416
Please contact us at info@pugetsoundbookartists.org to learn more about the Puget Sound Book Artists or if you have a question about our organization!