Tacoma Mini-Workshop: Photographing Your Work at Home
Saturday March 30, 1 - 4pm
Collins Library, the University of Puget Sound
Room 053 (formerly 020)
Instructor Kat Gower
Learn how to take the best possible photos of your work with a simple at home set up. Lighting, backgrounds, and composition will be discussed as well as common mistakes and how to avoid them before students will be given the chance to practice taking your own photos.
PSBA member Kat Gower, book artist and fabricator, takes the photos for and updates her mother’s website https://mari-ecksteingower.squarespace.com/
Tool List
Workshop Fee: $20
Space is limited, registration required.
For questions about this mini-workshop email: Debbi Commodore commodoredr@icloud.com (email subject line: mini-workshop question)
Please contact us at info@pugetsoundbookartists.org to learn more about the Puget Sound Book Artists or if you have a question about our organization!